Why is the sea harrier fa2 so scuffed?

Sea harrier to sweden when!1!11!!


That’d be cool, but I’m not sure how we could spin it.

I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the stat card. If nothing else it won’t be accounting for Harriers often taking off with the nozzles angled down.

I still think it’s beyond ridiculous that Gaijin thinks the FA2 has a place anywhere above 11.0, let alone above BR 12.0. It’s a Sea Harrier (a 10.3 air frame, and it underperforms at that BR as well), equipping missiles that are easily defeated by hugging the ground requires massive compromises (losing guns, losing countermeasures).

Pretty sure if the Nimrod got AIM-120s, it would be at 12.0 at least.

using 30% nozzle even early harriers like the av8a can take off in only a few meters, this was without any nozzles what so ever, any help with a ramp and while under full load

oh and slight side note, the sea harrier fa2 can (with a ramp) take off in only 90m which is yknow a very impressive feat

oh yea it has horrible turning yea… but like the sheer acceleration on it was stupidly good, im pretty sure its one of the fastest accelerating jets for its time (still subsonic tho so meh… really pretty so idc tho)

I thought nozzle was default on every take-off the harrier

depends but this was for testing purposes, like this is what they were doing to see its performance, in reality a sea harrier will always have a ramp to take off, and rarely be under full load, the royal navy uses GR9s for ground pounding, so the sea harriers normally only get anti ship and anti air capabilities which mean it wont reach full load because shocker 1000lb bombs are heavier then a asraam

(the sea harrier is able to do the gr9s job too just… not as good)