Why is the sea harrier fa2 so scuffed?

So, the Viggens engine, the Svenska Flygmotor RM8B/J8A (Also known as the Volvo Aero RM8, notably used by the JA37 Vigg) puts out 72.2 kilo-newtons of thrust, so roughly 16,500 lbs-ft of power, non-afterburning, with the full burner on, it puts out 125 Kilo-newtons, or roughly 29k lbs-ft of power, full burner, only weighing in at a hefty 21k lbs. I’m sure that, along with the immense amount of lift from the massive wing, and delta canards, is more than enough to lift it in sub-400 meters. It puts out more thrust after burning than the weight of the aircraft, essentially meaning it will continue to accelerate until the force of drag is so enormous it physically can’t, or it runs out of fuel.

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I accidentally deleted that post lmao


Yeah- especially since the swedes make sure they can take off from roads and stuff.

Im not sure when they started it, but they have always been very quick to take off and maintain- iirc that was one of their requirements.

It was part of the Block/STRIL 60 doctrine, keeping readied, yet almost invisible, underground hangars near viable roadways to defend Swedish airspace at a moment notice in the case of a Soviet invasion.

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Ah, yeah.

Sweden during those years was run by somehow-competent schizophrenics, given the wacky designs they had like the Draken and 103.

Draken got recently fixed,the FM was overperforming,same for Viggen,their new FM are on dev.

The 103 was actually designed by Sven Berg in 1956, so it was extremely ahead of its time and technology.

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Aight lemme get that ~250k to buy that draken just to smite this man-

Yes, by someone’s shotty human nature and math equations (made also by themselves) to try and make them underperform, while we have official documents stating otherwise.

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It was proven with Draken manual charts that it was massively overperforming,so it got cut.

Aye. Part of what he did was take the regulations… not what the aircraft could actually do.

Just like the SR-71 pilots, told by the “user manual” to not exceed 3.2, but they pushed all the way to 3.4 in the 71, and 3.5 in the YF model.

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What uh
What charts may I ask?

The ones saying it had a 7g limit, when it has exceeded literally over double that?


The draken is worst hit by it because it is such a unique aircradt. The pilots literally said- ‘you dont fly the plane, the plane flies you.’

Those regulations were exceeded so many times it isnt even funny.


Be cool if people grasped this applies to a not insignificant number of Swedish designs.

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Thankfully I have ordered a book that should clear some of it up, had to pay $20 for overseas shipping though lol

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Shipping costs, the saboteur of getting good books.

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Well that and not knowing swedish.

No time like the present to learn.

That aside, Sea Harrier thread.