Why is the M44 3.0 BR higher than the 15cm sig?

                        Sig:            M44:

Reload: 14.4s | 19.5
Explosive: 8.6 | 9.14
Armor: 20/14.5mm | 12.7mm
Crew protected: 1/4 | 2/8
Velocity: 240 | 563
BR: 1.0 | 4.0


  • Velocity is preference, the SIG is easier to use as artillery whilst the m44 is easier for direct fire)

  • M44 gets a .50 cal

  • M44 gets neutral steering but other than that is about the same maneuverability

  • M44 has a HIGHER reload, a WORSE armor, and a 3.0 up BR
    all for a 50 cal, slightly more explosive, and crew?

faster speed, more maneuverable (don’t even)
more TNT, better velocity (indirect fire is not a viable tactic in wt, especially not at low br LMAO)
more survivable (armor does not equal survivability), and a .50 cal
way better traverse/gun control
better sight
more ammo (sig only gets 18)


You must be the only person playing Mixed battles who has never been killed by a SiG while fully defiladed behind a crest.

by “fully defiladed” do you mean poking your cupola or mg out and lying to yourself for cope, or do you actually mean fully defiladed?
you don’t just get sniped by a slow, inaccurate round from long distance every game when they don’t even know where you are.
also, if they can see you with binos it’s not indirect fire or fully defiladed, + the top little bit of the ground has no hitbox, you need to watch out for that too.

Laughs in Spj fm/43-44


What I really meant by fully defiladed was … cough… fully defiladed

You know there’s spotting right?? Even in GRB let alone AB…

ETA - Oh and of course the ultimate example is Sturmtigers hitting people at their spawns…

…so you play AB.
that’s the reason ur dying to arty fire.
coulda said that

Indirect fire is possible in all modes - even Simulator - do try to use a little of the brain god gave you.

yeah, no shit. It’s only just infinitely harder without the green arrow telling you whether or not your round will connect.

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multiple targets forced to stay stationary, densely packed while being shot at by multiple enemies that know their location and range with huge rockets rather than 155 shells = normal totaly not biased 100% average sig gameplay


M44 has better reaction time with almost double the horizontal laying speed and over 3 times the verticle laying speed.
Verticle speed per sec: 4° vs 15°
Horizontal speed per sec: 6° vs 10°

It also has much better angles. A bit more depression and like 20 times the horizontal traverse angles.
Vertical angles: -4/40 vs -5/65
Horizontal angles: -1/6 vs -30/30

Reload is 4 seconds longer but is much easier to aim and reaches the target faster.


I haven’t. It is an incredibly rare thing to see.

Personally I have been using the M44 at 6.3 and having a pretty good time with it there (had a horrible time at 4.0 with it oddly enough).

Surprised people are not complaining like mad about cold war vehicles in their WW2 games. Personally i expect to see its BR going up over time once gaijin fix its model a bit (cough crew with arms hanging out the side cough).

I feel like M44 could be 5.0+ tbh, at 4.0 that M107 is a teensy bit mad for such a mobile platform.

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If you need the arcade cross then that’s your own personal skill issue.

Mobile platform… With next to no armor, a long reload, casemated…

BMP 3 + scout drone = my beloved mortar

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It’s not a viable tactic but its certainly not entirely difficult to pull off. As long as your using smoke. Whichsmoke-basedd artillery is rather viable. Won a couple of matches that way.

AVRE go “10 seconds to impact” moment. For most vehicles it isnt, for a select few on certain larger maps, it very much is a viable tactic.

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There is also that one guy that does it with a drone + BMD-4 I think?

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