Why is the M1A2 SEP V2 considered the worst tank among the top three major countries?

Yep, for everything sadly.

Its truly a marvel that the US has not created any better armor since 1986 even to this day.

The VT4 meanwhile, if merkava was bad, this is worse. The entire hull could be penetrated by DM53s, and apart from the tiny composite material coverage, the turret could also be penetrated by DM53s, so literally another ariete with APS. I don’t even want to use it, the 7.1 second reload, lower reverse speed and low penetration rounds ruin this vehicle. I would consider merkava vt4 and ariete the worst 11.7 mbts.


The HA featured the hull depleted uranium armour, I am wondering whether the HAP also have the same loadout after the problem of front suspension reliability displayed in the M1A1 HA tests.

no, there is no evidence, but what even funnier is how they still won’t add the armor to the turret ring.

yeah and that was from 1998 and thats when the Hull armor was rated at 600mm+ of kinetic protection.

I believe there is a picture featuring a depleted uranium ceramic layer, quite thin but it provides an estimated 70mm more of kinetic protection, this is just a trial, which I think have only 2 or 3 vehicles are produced.

What picture?

I’m asking for a source because I remain extremely skeptical about the countless claims of M1’s having this and that, all while people cannot back up those claims with evidence.

There’s concrete sources which point to there not being DU hull armour upgrades, if you claim this is false and DU was in fact used, I’d need to see some solid evidence.

Before that happens, I’ll say it’s just not true.

You realized those people HAVE provided sources for the Abrams have DU hull armor, hell, even Gaijin posted sources about the SEPv2 with prototype DU hull armor. Yet, you see Russia having a tech demonstrator as a premium and T-80s having prototype thermal upgrades ingame.


But its only a few M1s used for training./s

Proceeds to ignore the unlimited statement in actual relevant NRC documentation and double standards that are present throughout the rest of the game for similar effects.


Sneed please focus on your China topics and thanks!

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I remember Necrones actually defending t-series for having good engineering and the Auto-loader is a good idea from the Russians/Soviets.

Thus far I’ve seen every source provided, and each fails to prove the existence of DU hull armor. (save for 5 M1A1’s located at training schools, which is not relevant to the in-game M1’s as none of those are of the same type).

It’s very typical that there’ve now been 5 replies after my request for sources, and not a single comment includes a source.

Thus far every case of someone claiming DU hull armour exists, is based off of:

  • They read it somewhere on Quora, Reddit, or heard someone else say it.
  • They misread a source.
  • They simply wish it were true, thus act as if it is.
  • They take poor source material and act as if it’s of higher authority than official US documentation.

Share a link?


Black Night, VT1-2, Leopard 1 L/44, TURM III, LOSAT, XM8, XM-1 GM, XM-1 Chrysler, ADATS, M247, Leopard 2K, etc. etc.

It’s only a problem when it’s Russian I suppose?

The Radkampfwagen historically did not even feature a functional turret drive.
Nobody takes issue with Gaijin giving it one anyways, but suddenly T-80’s receiving thermals is a step too far?


TheChieftain has an entire video on the matter, and he explains in detail why he is in favour of an autoloader as opposed to a human loader with great detail.

If you want to know my reasoning without me having to waste time typing it all out, just watch that video.


Only sep 3 got hull upgrade. The rest use hulls from the 80s.
It should be visible from the outside

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not an upgrade, just a test production of the DU front plate, it works but the additional weight meant they have to put it down. I will try to find the source. They won’t add it anyway since no HA has been properly built, only parts tested.

I’m aware there are M1A1’s with DU hulls, I referenced that in my previous comment.
Those are however training school vehicles.

I’m also aware of other improvements made to the hull armour, possibly with or without the use of DU, but those weren’t ultimately implemented on production vehicles as you said.

If you’re interested, here’s another document which gives a fairly decent indication as to why hull armour upgrades weren’t seen as a necessity, I know this one pre-dates the more recent M1’s we have in-game, but I’m linking it to get the general idea across.


We can now add Kontact 1 to the hull of the M1 series as well, due to the high angle the UFP bricks providing that tiny extra 20mm would make it quite a ways more impact resistant.


you are wasting your time talking to necrons, hes anti U.S

ignore necrons and the rest of these idiots. we’ve already proven that the abrams tanks have had D.U hulls oosinubi_depleted_uranium.ppt (live.com)

we’ve also proven that the " 5 army school d.u abrams " is a bunch of bullshit

So at this point its just gaijin willfullly ignoring proof and keeping all the Abrams hull armor and turret armor buffs as well as the side of the turret ignored. Then you have chuckle fucks like nercons repeating the same WRONG information over and over and over.


They do that with pretty much so everything that isn’t Russian.