The Kugelblitz is the only vehicle in the German tree with a Battle Rating (BR) of 7.0, leaving it without a proper lineup. In contrast, the 6.7 German lineup is deficient in anti-air options, forcing players to choose between using the 6.0 Zerstörer 45 or up-tiering the entire lineup to include the Kugelblitz.
Furthermore, the Zerstörer 45 has twice the firepower at a lower BR, and the Kugelblitz’s roof armor only provides protection against non-armor-piercing rounds from aircraft. In my opinion, it doesn’t deserve such a high BR compared to the Zerstörer.
Given these points, wouldn’t it make sense to lower the Kugel’s BR to 6.7? This would make it useful in one of the most popular mid-tier BR lineup.
Honestly I have the Flakpanzer 341, which I’ll use over the Kugelblitz and I would think now that it is at 7.0, there may be less people using it and it might be pushed down.
It is in a useless position, but Gaijin knows better right? They have 3 British SPAAs all at 8.3, because…
Coelian is great AA but i would put it at 5.7 or 6.0 its have same guns as ostwind 2 and basicly have only that thing that ostwind dont have and that is basicly a bit more armor so it can withstand 50cals but even 20mm can pen it from planes since penetration of 20mm guns got buffed. Dont get me wrong but this coelian at 6.3 is just gaijin idea how to say F… your german line up cuz kugel is at 7.0 and coelian is 6.3 without reason cuz no longer have its offensive ammo like other wehicles like look ak zsu 37 at br 3.3 with penetration 83mm at 3.3 and other 40mm guns have pen from 70 to 94mm of pen only german guns and basically all AA guns was nerfed while rest of nations got buffed as always from gaijin to us.
If gaijin add back HVAP rounds but full ap belt im ok with it to be at 7.0 otherwise nope. Just kugel have before 1200 rounds mag so you dont need reload and also have 94mm of penetration full HVAP what have no single AP rounds in belt rest is HE and it must reload as well plus no it cant withstand 20mm rocked that would overpresure whicle cuz now even 50 cals can penetrate kugel at front of the turret and planes can do it even better there is no issue. It was designed to be at leasta bit pretected from planes but in warthunder this dont mean anything every single planes that have 50calls kills your gunner easly and game over for your AA dont even mention that if plane carry something like rp3 rockets or HVRS or worse russian saphe one rocked and whole wehicle is overpresured cuz usually rocked hit turret or pen upper armor that is thicc just only 16mm soo nahhhhh its regular AA that you can easy kill if you dont fly head on like 90% of players that later complain how op is this AA like no it isnt but flying direct to its guns get you killed. In my opinion this wehicle on this state should be 6.7 not higher but if gaijin hive us back HVAP round in bull belt im ok to be 7.0 but lets be real gaijin isgaijin and they have long time to do this and they dont i think this is like this forewer.
This is still a problem I have no idea why this is at 7.0 with no line up. its almost useless at 7.7 as an AA because the jets are so fast they are almost impossible to hit. Moving it to 6.7 wouldn’t make it op as the flakpanzer a super armored AA is still at 6.3.