Why is the french F-100D BR 9.7 (in arcade mode) ?
The same plane in the US tree is BR 9.3 and much better with his 4 AIM-9E missiles.
The French F100-D should be BR 9.3 at most, or even 9.0, right ?
So what’s the reason ? Can someone explain ? Thx
Same reason the F-104S.ASA is 12.0
Absolutely not !
Look at the armement of your F-104 BR 12.
It’s deadly and without comparison with the BR 9.7 for example.
On the contrary, the F-100D FR is less well armed with a higher BR than the US.
Still no explanation…
It’s simply a forgotten aircraft. That’s literally it. Why balance something barely anyone uses? More money and more “happiness” can be made by balancing popular stuff (hence why most premium tiers are balanced around the premiums).
I brought up the F-104S.ASA simply due to the fact that it is a 9.3 airframe facing AMRAAMs with a radar warning reciever unable to show direction, and inability to bring any radar ordnance without sacrificing its gun.
Being underpowered makes no difference as long as no one uses the vehicle in question, at least according to my experience.
I thank you for developing your answer, but I do not share your point of view. The French tree is not the most generous in terms of aircraft, and if in your opinion few people play the F-100D FR, it is precisely because it has too high BR in relation to its capabilities.
It is therefore the consequence, and not the cause.
It wouldn’t be very complicated for developers to adjust its BR, that’s why I always wonder why this device is still in BR 9.7.
It’s clearly unfair, no ?
It’s a feedback loop. The worse the aircraft, the less people play it, the more it suffers from power creep, the worse it gets, and even less people play it, so on and so forth.
Being in the french tech tree, especially in a non-popular line, isn’t doing it any favours, particularly now that the F1C-200 is on sale.
I’m sorry, but I don’t expect it to get any attention or love anytime soon :(
Given the number of views on this post and the lack of technical explanation, I conclude that there is no technical reason justifying the excessively high BR of this plane. Therefore, it is an anomaly, even an injustice.
Can someone explain the procedure to submit a request to revise the BR of this plane? THANKS.
There is no technical reason.
It’s simply forgotten. Just pray that something happens that makes them move the american F-100D down, considering that has a playerbase that’s quite vocal about any and all disadvantages they get, and hope the french one is taken down with it.
It’s simply a victim of the balancing system. You COULD try to submit a bug report or something but I HEAVILY doubt that will help.
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