Why is it that Israel's Spike anti-tank missile,which clearly has a tandem warhead,only causes damage to the observation mirror or machine gun when attacking light tanks?

Why is it that the Israeli Spike anti-tank missile,which has a tandem warhead,only damages the machine gun on the turret or the commander’s periscope when attacking infantry fighting vehicles without additional armor?Moreover,since the Spike anti-tank missile employs a parabolic attack trajectory,how can it possibly ricochet when striking a tank’s turret?Is that reasonable?

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And it usually hits the strongest part of the tank, it’s basically impossible to kill a leopard with them. It seems like they hit tanks in certain spots depending on what it is. I’m sure the devs made it like this as a nerf.


as far as i know the Spike LR is a top attack ATGM, which goes up and come down at the target, unlike the TOW / BILL which fly over the target and shoot down at it. I’ve hit so many barrels, UFP it’s not even funny. vehicles with 4 shots, are lucky if you get 1-2 kills if any at all.
Meanwhile most USSR and maybe Chinese MBT’s can carry an entire load of ATGM’s, most of the time also tandem, at less SL cost of the Main APFSDS round.



This snippet from Wiki, shows LR2 can hit at 70 degrees to avoid APS systems.
plus LR costs 140k irl per shot maybe LR2 is more expensive, you would expect from a weapon that expensive to work a little better in game.


welcome to the waiting party for them to fix the spikes/pars
there’s probably 3-4 reports open for how it:
doesn’t top attack
consistently targets the very top of a tank while attacking horizontally
targeting transmission of vehicles
no proxy for some reason
ive even had it consistently bounce off the roof of pantsirs


If the Spike missile were really as ineffective as it is depicted in the game,then it wouldn’t be chosen for procurement by so many countries.The real reason is all about balance and nerfing.However,we haven’t seen any nerfing of the Soviet weapons and ammunition.The 38MT of the Su-34 and Su-30SM is just so overpowered.


I agree with you, Spikes/Pars have been implemented so horribly its laughable. For some reason I think they got a hidden nerf in the last 2 updates, they seem to be reeeaaallly bad now.

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Not everything is a grand conspiracy, the reason F&F ATGMs are not that good in game is that we don’t abandon tanks as soon as they are compromised. Outside of flukes where your missiles vanish in the nothingness of Mû, the damage you inflict with a Spike IG would disable the vehicle on the receiving end IRL.

Don’t use Spike in a frontal aspect. Its hopeless. It somehow always slams into the frontal armor, instead hitting the turret roof.

Try to flank and just use it to hit tanks from rear aspect. Or better save Spike as anti-heli missile. Imho it kills helicopters very well, even when helis dip back into cover, behind trees etc. Spike will stay on it and kills it reliably.

There is alot Spike footage from the Azerbajan vs. Armenia conflict. Spikes nuke them up, incl. turret tossing.

You will find that almost all tandem charged heads does not in fact tandem charge in game. First noticed this with the Mokopa on the Rooivalk.

maybe, but: baring conspiracy or BIAS, it for me a form of incompetence.

why?: the vehicles that have this capability are increased in BR because they have said weapon, vehicles like the PUMA VJTF, KF-41, both NAMER version and the cv9030 Mk IV. a run down:

Puma VJTF is two BR steps higher due to the Spike 10.3 > 11.0;
KF-41 full br higher the VCC-8030, while having no APS, but double the amount of TOW2B;
CV90 Mk IV compared to the CV9030 Fin, is way higher in BR 9.3 compared to 10.7. while have better engine and composites.
Namer doesn’t have a non Spike comparison, but both variants are 2 BR steps apart, while the only difference is the turret which has APS.

While i get that better or more functionalities regarding weapons-systems should result in a higher BR, it would therefor also be logical to have these systems actual increase that effectiveness.

Spikes LR II hit to shallow and most of the time in the wrong place. compared to TOW-2B which can hit targets behind cover, Spike needs a certain percentage visible to lock and without lofting it can still hit obstructions or terrain, due to where it is aimed.

Compared to vehicles with TOW’s, Spike vehicles carry 50% of missiles. With the exception of the CV90 MkIV and wheeled vehicles armed with Spike.

the only difference for a higher BR is the fact that Spike Should be FnF, but with such a low kill ratio, with TOW-2B firing at enemies behind cover you are also safe during the flight stage of the ATGM.

Not that TOW’s are the cats meow, they at least are found at a lower Br and have more of them.

PARS 3: first time?

Yea spikes are hella nerfed and unrealistic
Better use them onlt against light ranks helis or east tanks from around 500 meters

I run vehicles with spikes a lot, I used to kill helis all the time but as of recent the spikes don’t hit, I don’t know if they secretly nerfed them against helis or I’m just having bad luck. They were always so satisfying early match against the KA50 rushers

I have a video of Spike missile live-fire shooting above.It can be certain that the planners did not restore the real destructive power of the Spike missile.Moreover,its attack logic is obviously unrealistic.The Spike missile attacks the enemy’s turret via a high-arc trajectory.