Why is France (notably ground) being so neglected by Gaijin

For the last few updates its be copy paste. Leopard 2A4, 2A5, 2A6, CV90-35, M44, AH-64D . Battle Pass M46, DF-105 Tiger HAC, AMD-35 PAK and CLOVIS. We even got a BeNeLux sub-tree but outside of a single plane its complete copy paste.

Nothing has come to France that isn’t copy paste or unique. We still have the massive gap from 9.7 12.0 (ignoring a single copy paste Leopard 2A4), No light tank at top tier, The Leclerc’s have still been power-creeped to hell. The armor hasn’t been fixed, the speed hasn’t increased to 90km and we still don’t have a new shell 0FL-120-F1B, OFL-120-F2, DM-53 or SHARD.

The only good thing to be added is the Vextra 105 and VBCI, but just look at their bug reports…


Some tech trees don’t even get a new tank or plane this update🤡


At least 14 new acquirable vehicles since 2021 in rank 5, 6, and 7. Especially for a country so hard to research vehicles on? That’s alright.

Not the best, and still substantial.

But the recent additions were not breathtaking as just few more copy and pasted Leopards and british and american planes. In my opinion if Gaijin moved the AMX-30 Super to the rank VII making it capable to research all the others rank VIII vehicles, would be a very welcome addition,

Since there’s no new Premium for France, when Italy recivied it second if not third vehicle capable of fully researching all the ground tech tree. But now BeNeLux as a sub-tech tree, surely there’s some vehucle capable to fit this gap.

2 of the 3 Leopards were not copy-paste, and my screenshot talks about stuff below those BRs.

Half of the Benelux subtree is unique vehicles as well, there are no copy-paste American vehicles.
There’s no American F-16A with extra countermeasures, AIM-120s, etc.

The problem it’s really hard to grind the nation, no propert premium tank and overall the tech tree mid, okay in top tier the Leclercs have better reload than the Russians, but Leclercs are kinda mid, and most nato mbt out load them. There are no good reason why grind French tech tree in ground, as you said it’s copy past most of the time, boring and don’t have OP mbts.

Yes the Leopards were copy and paste, which of initially were introduced with wrong fenders models, but Gaijin changed it. The only difference from the German counterpart is the roof-mounted machine gun from a MG3A1 to a FN MAG 60-40.

In air tech tree, there are only one single vehicle unique from BeNeLux sub-tech tree (Fokker G. I A), it includes the Mirage 5 BA (which is irrelevant to mine argument, sort of, since the Nesher, a much older vehicle in-game is a Mirage 5.).

Regarding the F-16A/AM Block 15 (which, in my opinion, practically is the same, and what I’m considering here, when much deep technical information doesn’t affect the gameplay) is also in-game as the F-16A ADF, F-16A OCU and F-16A ADF, all of them, including the F-16A/AM is american technology,

Which only the F-16AM (120x countermeasures), Netz (Modified) (180x countermeasures) and F-16A OCU (30x countermeasures) brings something ‘new’. And I’ve pointed what’s new.

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No, only the 2A4 was copy-paste, and as for 2A6NL, they swapped the models with the one in the Swedish tech tree.
Unique aircraft involve: F-16A, F-16AM, Mirage 5BA [flares and AIM-9Js as well as a different model], Meteor FMk8, Fokker GIA, and Gladiator Mk1; all requiring both research to determine if new 3D models are necessary and commissioning new 3D models.

Italy isn’t the only nation with 2 rank VII ground premiums: USA has 4, Germany has 2, USSR has 4, GB has 2, China has 2, Sweden has 2.
It’s definitely not the issue of the Italian TT that Gaijin doesn’t give France their premium. Italy used to only have a Centauro as premium, light vehicle which isn’t on par with MBTs in capabilities, even as poorly implemented as Ariete, so Certezza is more than fair addition, even a bit late.
Don’t get me wrong I am not against French premium, actually all for that, but using Italy as example is just weird. It is the same as blaming France or Japan for Italy not receiving its squadron vehicles imao

I belive that, the nations you pointed has more than one rank VII premium vehicle because they tend to be primary target for new players,

USA, Germany, USSR and Israel has a lot of players due to it own options of vehicle, and being the main nations were most famous military vehicles were made, Britain and China comes in second due to the strong national community, Japan and Sweden for the vehicles it offers, last year we had a boom in Japan vehicles sales obviously because the Type 90 B ‘Fuji’.

In this subject, Italy is much like France, both are not much played nations yet so much to offer, initally Italy had the VRCC Centauro, then the RGO Centauro and now the Ariete ‘Certezza’. If Gaijin at least moved the AMX-30 Super the next rank everything would be ok, because, the vehicle itself is great to play and with this would still keep France from the shame of unskilled players.

VRCC is rank VI

They will most likely add bushed up 2A4NL)

I still don’t understand the absence of the ERC-90 Sagaie, an emblematic vehicle of France, having fought in many conflicts.