I can kinda understand it being 9.3 pre walleye nerf (although it was pretty limited), but now that walleyes no longer lock onto IR signatures wtf is it still doing at 9.3?
The walleyes are just longer range CCRP now.
I can kinda understand it being 9.3 pre walleye nerf (although it was pretty limited), but now that walleyes no longer lock onto IR signatures wtf is it still doing at 9.3?
The walleyes are just longer range CCRP now.
When did they change it? I played it about a day ago and didn’t notice a difference. Still feels fine to me.
wait so you asking to move em down in BR? or move it up?
They never locked on to IR signatures
Walleyes haven’t changed how they work in well over a year now, probably longer.
The only difference is how the locking controls work now, you now have to double click the lock key in order to confirm locking on the ground, while if you only hit the lock key once, it will automatically acquire a tracking grade lock IF possible (which is at ~3km or less for the Walleye). They never locked onto IR signatures afaik, only thing I can think of was when Mavericks (and TV systems as result) were introduced, it had similar track range as IR system have now, but that long hasn’t been the case anymore.
Maybe the change in the controls makes it only feel you can’t get a lock anymore? But in reality nothing changed, other than the controls are a bit better now for attaining tracking locks within track range, so really a (very slight) buff imo.
They at the very least would lock onto vehicles and follow their movement.
It used to be, they lock onto the ground where you’re pointing, but if you’re close enough could also lock onto vehicles and follow their movement. They no longer do this, they only seem to lock onto the ground now.
Down, because the feature that moved them from 8.7 to 9.3 is now gone.
They still track tank targets, same as always. Its TV guidance, not IR guidance.
They haven’t been locked onto to tanks lately, regardless of range.
Working perfectly fine for me
what do you do to get it to lock onto vehicles?
“Switch Secondary Weapons” keybind to select the walleyes, then change to the TV camera view, and “Fire Secondary Weapon” keybind to lock and release them.
it just locks onto the ground, not the vehicle.
It locks the ground outside ~3km, inside that it locks the vehicle.
When you lock the ground and release it, it will capture and start tracking the vehicle when it gets close enough.
well, it has TV guided missiles, maybe thats the reason, i dont know if there is another jet at 8.7 with TV agms, for example Germany has G91 with Nords at 8.7 but they are manually guided, Alpha Jet is at 9.0 because it has CCIP for Bombs and Rockets but no guided munition, for me A-4E is fine where it is
The presence of the walleye is still a huge advantage for the plane since you can use the camera as an adhoc targeting pod for searching for/positively IDing targets and sniping with bullpups from long range. I would kill to have walleyes on my planes for other nations. Even on higher BR planes like the Su-25.
I’ve tried using it as a targetting pod, and I got some success with CCRP, but the bullpups just felt bad to use. It’s nothing like how Zachlam’s missiles control.
If every plane had the same capabilities what would be the point of unlocking new ones? The A-21 gets CCRP at 4.3, the next lowest BR plane with ballistics computer being 7.0, doesn’t mean A-21 should also be 7.0.
Also idk much about the Alpha jet. Doesn’t make sense to me that it’s 8.7 whilst SAAB 105 is 8.3 with CCIP, bigger bombs, and RB 24s.
The bullpup is how all MCLOS missiles should control. Tank MCLOS missiles get an invisible crosshair that the missile chases, and helicopters get a super skilled gunner robot that turns them into SACLOS missiles (for some absurd reason.)
But they’d be hard as hell to use with digital controls on anything with accurate controls. You would want a joystick with analog control to make good use of any MCLOS system.
When you move the Zachlam missiles, it straightens itself out after you release the control, but not for bullpups. Bullpups are alot more floaty.
And btw no, I do not have “relative control” on.
Yes, that’s because of the invisible crosshair the zachlam tager missile chases. It’s basically SACLOS but slightly harder.
The bullpup is floaty because you are literally flying it. In a proper implementation of MCLOS, all missiles of MCLOS guidance type (SS.11 to AGM-12) would feel floaty, because there is no analog control for them on a keyboard. But it would be a correct and accurate implementation. To properly control them, you would want a joystick.