yes, that’s why I complain
This is very unfair
I just want to get the same thing as M109,2S3M
What is the reload speed of all three of these:
M109G3: Reg → Ace
2S3M: Reg → Ace
PZG: Reg → Ace
It’s not the fact of what’s fair, it’s the fact of what’s balanced.
Then it’s probably based on mobility.
you can easily take out a tiger 2 with that round. the only differece is that you need to hit a bit closer to the hull roof.
it’s biggest advantage is the higher vertical elevation and having a .50cal, the 2s3 is have better mobility and an slightly better armor profile, IMO it is slightly worse but it is fine at 6.3
I can do the same thing with the German 1.0 Bison Assault Cannon
PLZ83 did not receive fair treatment. This is a fact.
Ah, 152 is not even as good as 122, 6.3 and 6.0
lmao ,losing completely
well, thats an isue with the 2s1 being under tiered not the other way around as it is much better than the 2s3 or the m107s, the plz83 is fine at 6.3.
and? the fact is that you can easily kill the king tiger, one of the most armored tank that you will find at this br, so you wont have problem at killing most tanks.
The Bison probably has about the same HE filler too, lol.
Yet again, the 122mm on the 2S1 uses A-IX-2, and its shell casing is thin enough for them to put in the A-IX-2 at a better and cheaper rate than TNT.
For reference, A-IX-2 is 1.51 times more powerful than TNT, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it stacks up quickly, hence why 125mm 2A46’s 3OF26 shell has 42mm of pen, while being incredibly small.
Agree, I want play a better HE launcher。
Just tried playing it, and unsurprisingly still quite pathetic to use. I would rather use 2S1 or 2S3m all day long.
Does anyone know the information about this shell? Its name should be DDB5
The PLZ83 can use the same shells as the Type 66, as its main gun is an improved version of the Type 66
Gaijin should add the same AP and HEAT as 2s3m as well. It’s just some simple copy-and-paste
Okay, now we are about to welcome a 130mm version of the PLZ83, which has returned to people’s sight.
So, can PLZ83-152 get some love? At least supplement its shells
Полностью согласен
it aint russian thats why.
Agree,5.8kg TNT is too low.
gonna be locked behind a grind fest