Why Gaijin is wrong about the Stinger (it should be 20g in game)

I guess I could, it’s just that the bug report portal isn’t exactly the easiest to manipulate for something like this, with many excerpts, figures & sources.

and keeping the rest of the forums aware will be key so it can’t be buried.

Also obligatory;

@Smin1080p @Gunjob

Please check your DMs, its been a few days.


Wow. That’s quite the write-up, and presented in a manner that’s (mostly) intelligible by laymen like me.

Best of luck with the report 👍

Oh, I’ve also got one for extending the lock-on range of the POST seeker (MIM-72G & FIM-92B and later variants including the yet to be implemented later ATAS) via the (Photo)contrast Lock-on range extension mechanic.

This would be based off the wording used in US4009393, repeatedly and specifically using the term contrast (relevant excerpts below), and the Block diagram(Figure .6), making it fairly obvious that both the IR and UV channels are used simultaneously; summed into a single output which is passed onto the Guidance and Control stages of the missile.

This is basically open and Shut in this case; and would be a reopening / extension of the following report;

I’d accept that with the existing implementation it would lack the ability to automatically swap between guidance modes in flight, as a balancing decision, on the dev’s part.

Seeker patent and ATAS excerpts

The UV lens 104 should function in a narrow wave
length band in the near UV for best contrast results

The peak detectors measure the amplitude of the highest contrasting object within the field of view and the resulting peak levels are used to set the thresholds of the threshold detectors. The information from the threshold detectors is coupled to logic selector 148 which selects the proper mode for target tracking. The logic involved in the logic selector circuit is such that, if the signals from both the IR and UV channels are simultaneously present at its input, the IR signal will be preferred over the UV signal. However, should the IR signal vanish for a time longer than 0.25 second, the UV signal will be accepted.

As described, the target tracking seeker of the present invention includes both IR and UV seeker elements. Accordingly, where a target may not be irradiating sufficient infrared energy to be engaged by the missile operating in its normal IR mode, the target may be tracked by the UV mode. The missile electronics can select the mode offering the best tracking information and are capable of switching from one mode to the other. As a result, cold targets or head-on targets can be successfully tracked. Also, countermeasures against one mode will not normally affect the operation of the other mode. In addition, discrimination against multiple targets and decoys with improved range and with a higher degree of background rejection achieved. Targets which are clearly visible are detectable by a seeker operating in a visible UV mode regardless of IR target energy.The detected signal may be negative (a non-radiating target seen against a bright background) or positive (a radiating or reflecting target seen against a dark background). Preferably, the seeker will initially operate in the visual contrast mode until an adequate IR signal is available to home the missile. If a sufficiently IR radiating target is present, the seeker may select and receive in the IR mode.


More chance of getting blood from a stone than gaijin doing anything positive for spaa players

I don’t think they would say no considering how many nations are stuck with the impacted missiles (Italy / Israel).

The Maneuverability report is Live.

Hit the character limit on the submission, lol.



I’m at least going to assume that it was in good faith, just a lack of specific info at least in this case(for now).

The POST seeker report is up



Hope this goes somewhere given the stinger is still abysmal, but given the past situations with the stingers I am not holding my breath.


I hope so, too. Because the armament on the Type 93 failed spectacularly the other day when I was using it. Many launches on easy targets and the missiles either pissed off in a straight direction or just outright forgot how to lead properly.

Absolutely piss-poor state of affairs.

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The more people that know about both reports the more likely that something will get done, if it can be spread to as many Content Creators, Discord servers, reddit the better. Since more eyes will be on Gaijin’s response.


Make sure to put it on the MANPAD thread too:

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Legendary move

According to missile dev because Igla can’t pull 20G so Stinger can’t too simple as that (no BS they said it themselves)

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That’s what is being debunked in the report


Should be because it’s ton of report about it right now plus the guy i was talking about was the same guy who said this

F-20A performs better than the F-5E in all but takeoff speed.

However, this is about @tripod2008 's new findings.

It’s not entirely my own work, since patents technically aren’t considered an authoritative source for the purpose of reporting bugs. So if I had been forced to rely solely on them as evidence it probably wouldn’t have been able to be passed.

Its the combination of having the necessary primary sources to back up the claims, the patents just explain how it may be accomplished. and that the MANPADS article directly mentions that they were uncertain about specific things that the Patents should help dispel, and further had a number of unsupported claims relating to similarities between systems that may have existed, that at least now very likely don’t in the face of the contents of said patents(there are more; but they aren’t directly useful, since either they are superseded by primary sources or detail the working of subsystems that aren’t going to be modeled ).

I personally think the Mistral should also be covered by the report but didn’t have the right documents to hand; Proof of the utilization of control surface dithering, or the use of a Closed Loop (or Feedback Loop) autopilot would probably be sufficient.


Seeing how they corrected over half a dozen aircraft last major, it appears they’re making movements.
They also separated flares and chaff above expectations.
So I expect a new result for Stingers.

We will see if after few years F-20 gets nerfed like MiG-23 did.