Why Gaijin is wrong about the Stinger (it should be 20g in game)

Legendary move

According to missile dev because Igla can’t pull 20G so Stinger can’t too simple as that (no BS they said it themselves)

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That’s what is being debunked in the report


Should be because it’s ton of report about it right now plus the guy i was talking about was the same guy who said this

F-20A performs better than the F-5E in all but takeoff speed.

However, this is about @tripod2008 's new findings.

It’s not entirely my own work, since patents technically aren’t considered an authoritative source for the purpose of reporting bugs. So if I had been forced to rely solely on them as evidence it probably wouldn’t have been able to be passed.

Its the combination of having the necessary primary sources to back up the claims, the patents just explain how it may be accomplished. and that the MANPADS article directly mentions that they were uncertain about specific things that the Patents should help dispel, and further had a number of unsupported claims relating to similarities between systems that may have existed, that at least now very likely don’t in the face of the contents of said patents(there are more; but they aren’t directly useful, since either they are superseded by primary sources or detail the working of subsystems that aren’t going to be modeled ).

I personally think the Mistral should also be covered by the report but didn’t have the right documents to hand; Proof of the utilization of control surface dithering, or the use of a Closed Loop (or Feedback Loop) autopilot would probably be sufficient.


Seeing how they corrected over half a dozen aircraft last major, it appears they’re making movements.
They also separated flares and chaff above expectations.
So I expect a new result for Stingers.

We will see if after few years F-20 gets nerfed like MiG-23 did.

9/20/24 still nothing but they did acknowledge the reports from tripod2008
Implementing accurate limits for FIM-92 maneuverability
(Photo)Contrast range extension for POST seeker FIM-92 var.


Note as well, we have not heard anything about the datalink the FIM-92K should have, since, well, thats the entire gimmick of the K.


Though that datalink shouldn’t actually work with things like the LAVAD or Stormer AD surely as those systems predate the existance of the K by over a decade

The LAV-AD is still in US circulation, there is no reason why it, along with the avenger system, should not be able to use the datalink in their current configuration, after all, the LAAD system already had a datalink to a ground based radar unit for direction all the way back to the FIM-92B.

I would wager the stormer AD should have a similar implementation given it came to be around the time of the LAV-AD as well.


In museums maybe, but in museums there’s not much call for upgrading your vehicles.

Dunno why any of the mentioned vehicles would be in museums, as the LAV-AD is still in US Marine Corps circulation as stated, we’ve yet to see them get officially retired as well as the LAV system as a whole who are slated to stay in service to 2030 and possibly longer, the Avenger is in series production still, and the Stormer AD was a testbed that never really went anywhere.


Are they? Genuinly I’m sure I looked this up ages ago and they’d all been mothballed not long after the invasion of Iraq. They surely exist in storage somewhere but not in active use and I am doubtful they’d be capable of using data link on a missile developed 20 years after, fundementally computers have changed between 1997 and 2018.

LAAD teams were using stinger radar data links all the way back in 2000 already, radar datalink is a very not new tech, there is no real reason why the LAV-AD would not be data link enabled as even the first Avengers had such for fire direction. If the radar datalink did not exist the LAAD team portable radar would have no reason to exist within US doctrine, but it does.

In the case of service, nobody actually knows, only 9 examples were made and there was no official statement on what happened to them post 2003, they haven’t shown up in the bone yard or other storage depots, but also pictures of them just don’t really exist, not like they did exist to begin with as there was only a few out there to begin with.

We see LAVAD and Avengers almost every year still in Fort Irwin training cycles.

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well a photo of them during the invasion

I’m reviewing this stuff again and I just want to say how awful it is that some of these sources aren’t in metric lol. Idk how engineers put up with using customary, especially in aerospace applications (but I guess convention is convention).

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