Why Gaijin change the speed of reversing for Flarakrad?为什么盖金减慢了轮罗的倒车速度?

why did Gaijin Change the reversing speed of flarakrad?Do you have any related documents,and lots of files means that the flarakrad(MANKAT A1)has very strong off-road ability,but in warthunder even can not climb a little slope?And why flarakrad as a Military Vehicle did not had Bulletproof glass?But Pantsir S1 had it?
为什么盖金减慢了flarakrad的倒车速度,有任何文件证据吗,可是许多文件证明flarakrad(MANKAT A1)的越野能力十分优秀,可在战争雷霆中连一个小坡都爬不上去?另外,为什么flarakrad作为军用载具没有防弹玻璃?而铠甲S1就有呢?