that “f4c” is an f4e as it has agile eagle slats on it and its just missing the countermeasure pylons
#63-7589 is a Block 20, F-4C. Further the Elevators lack the leading edge slots of an F-4E, and the Chin blister is in the wrong config to hose the Gun gas diverter and the Nose Ogive for the radar is wrong and as such has the APQ-100 installed instead of the APQ-120 + M61A1 that was characteristic of the F-4E
leading edge slats are on the wings not the elevators
So then why is Slotted (LE) Stabilator mentioned as an addition to Block 31 F-4Es, and being removed in Block 51 F-4Fs, In the Block diagram?
that literally just refers to the left elevator and how its attached to the airframe, and it has nothing to do with the leading edge or slats.
You’ve still failed to realize F-4E has a vastly different radome and nose section, due to updated radar + M61 cannon.
the radome looks like the in-game f4e witch actually looks very similar the the in-game f4c because it has an incorrect visual model(also have you not noticed that that wasn’t even the same aircraft image being talked about?)
It was introduced to the F-4E (Also used by USN F-4s)to assist with minimizing CoG changes due to the added gun and assorted configuration changes having their impact.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if they’re wary of the balance issues it would cause, much less the issue of modeling it realistically.
yea I would say that it should only have an effect once the rwr is set off (for radar) if it also gets ircm though that should always be active.
Because we don’t need them ingame?
They will make trash all radar-guided munitions before “lock-on-jam”.
And will be a thrash themselves after implementing “lock-on-jam”.
I rather prefer to don’t implement LoJ, and give jammers only to those, who really needs them.
Like top-attakers/bombers.
They haven’t speed and agility of fighters/multiroles, for effectively deflect SAM/AAM, and really need it.
I hope they add it in the future when more advanced planes are added. Some nations like china invested quite a bit into ecm pods instead of normal countermeasures etc so i fear that might affect them in the future
Flanker pilot when their radar tells them a battleship sized object is approaching at a speed fluctuating between walking pace and mach 5
yet another reason to love the CS-5
yes, if missiles become more difficult to chaff I believe it should be added as a counterweight for the vehicles that sacrificed CM amount for ecm
Be sweden where you sacrifice offensive armament for CM and ECM instead
Or china/the rafale as well as a large part of their defensive doctrine is ecm iirc
I have no doubt we’ll see it in game at some point, I will just be curious as to how it will be implemented and what the results will be