Why doesnt the first M1 Abrams have M833

Just because they are good IRL, doesn’t mean they should dominate WT.

They arent “good” they’ve been unmatched for 50 years. This was to be expected.

Kind of like kh-38 launching 20 miles out with no counter?

Well the 105 still have the same optics and armor, while having a better mobility, a larger crew and the rangefinder, so it does have more advantages over the regular tiger 2 aside from the penetration

How many of these similar threads are there? This conversation is getting old. Yes the M833 will be buff and no it doesn’t warrant a BR change because it’s very slight buff. You’ll still have to aim for weak spots just like the M774. All the M833 will do is make penning and spalling more consistent.

However, the M1 doesn’t struggle, because it’s winrate is similar to other MBTs at it’s BR so it doesn’t need the M833 round. But stop acting as if the M833 is a game changing round and will change the meta of the game. Again, its a very slight buff, nothing more, nothing less.

If M833 isn’t a game changing round then why are you opposing the addition of M833?

I’m indifferent about it. I’m neither for or against it. If it gets it, cool. If it doesn’t get it, that’s also fine by me. The Abrams is fine.

The entire point of my argument is for the people who say that the Abrams is in desperate need of the M833, they are wrong. For the people who say that the m833 will warrant a br increase, they are also wrong.

Its just a very slight buff. And will most likely be added if winrates start decreasing

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It does annoy me how much Gaijin talk about historical realism and historical accuracy but vehicles don’t even get their service rounds. BR is the balancing mechanism, just give the vehicles the rounds they used and change their BR’s if needed.

Decompression is also needed. It still amazes me that air goes up to 13.3 but ground only goes up to 12. We see people talking about the Pantsir being OP, well if they actually made 13.3 the ground top tier and moved that up it would be less of an issue.

You cant PLAY AIR in GROUND RB if you cant even get a fkn kill dude tf are you smoking

Aircraft dominate “ground” RB. They can’t be killed by SPAA unless the pilot doesn’t know how to dodge stuff.

Can absolutely get clapped from spawn thanks to the ONLY RU AA with 12km range that reaches Air spawn

Try again kid.

Also i just looked at your stats you dont even play anything above 10.3 let alone the M1 Abrams i dont even know why tf you are on this thread spewing your nonsense. You dont even have the experience of playing the M1 Abrams to have an opinion

As far as I know, it still can be dodged.

That comment was also directed at the US air tree in ARB in its entirety, and not just any specific BR. I also haven’t said any specific opinions on the balance of the M1.

Oh as far as you know? Have you played 12.0? Oh right your 141 battles in the Leo PL, apparently you know SO much about ground battles. This thread is about the M1 Abrams getting M833 clearly something you have 0 experience on. Why dont you actually play some 10.7 M1 Abrams, then come back and tell us its balanced. We can wait.
