Why doesnt the first M1 Abrams have M833

But I’m not concern and no problem gaijin considered M833 replace M735 but M774 switch to 1st APFSDS


are you saying that m774 shouldreplce m735 as the level 1 apfsds? in that case i agree

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Everything from the M60A3 onwards should have M900 as an unlockable round
The fact they don’t is heinous


Yes, you right because M735 it’s outdated, bad APFSDS and should be replaced with M774 for MBT rank 7 so M833 as a level 4 APFSDS


Sorry I edited, for M735 in tier 1 mod it’s replace with M774 because bad APFSDS and outdated for MBT in rank 7


Why for 20mm increase in flat pen and a stellar 13 mm in angled pen?

USSR tanks T-72B(1985) and T-64BV(1985) both get their correct 3BM42 (1986), Leo 2 gets the DM23(120mm) from 1983, but the M1 can’t get the 1983 M833.

and lets not forget its first M735 APFSDS, which is less then stellar at 9.3, let alone a full BR higher.

I assume you mean the 120mm DM23, sure 40mm isn’t a huge gap, but a significant one since DM travels 100m/s faster and weighs almost 1 kg more, so should have move post pen damage.

Meanwhile USSR MBT’s at that BR or even a few steps lower get Mango round with 80mm more flat pen and Chinese MBT with the 125-I get 90mm more flat pen.


All 3rd gen MBT’s should go up from 10.0-3 to 10.7, to decompress the hell out of the 9.0-3 bracket.
Before the last changes 9.0 (2nd Gen) couldn’t face 10.3 (3rd Gen), now they do when they were moved up and 3rd gen stayed.

especially during this event 9.3 is unplayable, the sheer amount of 10.3’s (premiums) you face is a disaster. Turms, 2s38, Leo 123, M1 KVT, ZTZ-96A (p) and their tech-tree equivalents.
Every single game is a full uptier at that BR, and it’'s a slaughter.

I agree, im not sure calling them by generation really means anything, those terms are more marketing terms than anything else, but you are spot on.

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Tell that to 3BM42 the equivalent of 120mm DM33 that Russian MBTs start getting it at 9.7
I don’t see problem of M833 of M1 at 10.3 same goes as DM33 for leo 2A4

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The russian tanks dont have a 5 second reload

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They also dont have a reverse, or depression, and have awful gun handling

Those are exactly the excuse use by average Russians main (I don’t mean you btw) and it BS


Check my account then. They are just simple facts, each vehicle is a tradeoff. the russian tanks get armour that is more punishing of mistakes, and a decent round, that doesnt really change anything because you just shoot weakspots anyway.

Yeah yeah in the maps that most of WT match looklike abandoned factory the enemy of Russia need to aim their weak spot while they can basically aim anyways in general direction of the tank heh so fair especially TURMS that even had gen2 CITV


Simple. Gun handling, reload, mobility, thermals and survivability.

Look at this replay where I play KVT to get my point.

Massively handheld crutched vehicle.

Do every M1 player have a Ace crew for it? No

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Their autoloaders literally can’t go faster


Its base reload is 6.5 seconds. still considerably faster than any russian tank untill top teir, that it will never see.

Qualification reload for the 120 Abrams is like 4s in gunnery btw


Good for them

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