The Merkava III is not as good as the Al-Khalid or the M1A1 tank.Why is it rated 11.3?Its hull protection is only on the level of an infantry fighting vehicle,and it is not even as durable as the CV90.
Israel is currently using the worst air defense vehicle in the game,while the Russian Federation has been using the Pantsir air defense system for such a long time.Is this realistic?
I think I am hearing the sound of angry Stona rushing into this topic for closing down.
I am not Israel main so I don’t know much about Merkava though.
commenting before stona closes this thread without saying anything
The Merkava main battle tank is capable of firing gun-launched missiles.According to available information,the Merkava Mk4 main battle tank’s 120-millimeter smoothbore gun can launch the LAHAT laser-guided anti-tank missile,which employs a semi-active laser homing guidance system.In addition,the 105-millimeter main guns of the Merkava Mk1 and Mk2 models can also fire the LAHAT laser-guided gun-launched missile.
What CV90 are you talking about because i honestly don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about if you think the Merk is worse armored than the CV90 lol.
What I’m referring to is the hull,because during the game,I encountered a CV9035.I fired first,but its engine absorbed the post-penetration effects of the shell,allowing it to easily penetrate the front of my vehicle’s hull and get the kill on me.
Thats called being Gaijined. It happens dont just base your claim off a one time occurance. Just because i scew up a shot or get gaijined and my Merk MK.1 non penned a L3/33 (custom game shenanigans) doesn’t make it a consistent factor and honestly ruins your credibility.
This post now makes me think its made of Cope. (The merkava armor is bad trust me i know) but the same weight logic also applies to the CV9030 MK.IV E which is 37t yet has less armor the the Strf 9040C’s because gaijin didn’t bother to do their research on the armor and its supposed to be able to tank any 30mm apfsds from 500m yet can be killed by a R3T20 frontally occasionally lol.
Also killed theough the fromt by the 9035? Idl you’d need to recreate that cause i doubt that happened but ive seen my fair share of snail BS
“The Merkava’s hull is incredibly magical;I often get penetrated by infantry fighting vehicles from the front,resulting in crew deaths.I’ve been killed many times by a single shot from the 2S38’s front.The Merkava’s engine seems like an after-effect amplifier,serving no purpose other than to block HEAT rounds!I don’t know where its 65-ton weight is distributed.Everyone knows that the Merkava’s hull can carry infantry,so there’s a lot of space inside the vehicle.Where exactly is the weight being utilized?”
Comparing the 2S38 gun to the CV9035 is the most wild take ive ever seen. I could understand the 2S38 since it has very high pen over 200mm but the 9035 has like 135mm pen. Maybe he killed your driver over and over but i dont see him going through the engine. The 2S38 is very much able to do that though.
Especially since one is 9.3 and the other is 10.3.
As for @LI1146311427 's claims, the Merkava III has more armor than a CV90.
9035 is 9.7 you’re thinking 9030 which is 9.3 with 116mm pen vs the 35mm which has 131 pen
Fair. It was one of the two BRs.
minor nation tax 👍
U right merkava 3 is heavily nerfed but i think its 11.3 bcuz of the gun
On 11.3 u have amazing top tier round and honsetly u get downtierd in this br very often so its not as bad
I reccomend stick to sniping
Also u have kurnass 2000 as cas which is amazing