Why does the t-72b3 have a reload rate of 7.1



Yup, looking back at it I was thinking of all the people parroting the 3BM69/70 2004 crap, which was actually 3BM59. Both 3BM69/70 are still being tested, and have rough figures.

It exploding above a tank will have no bearing in terms of damage, as it’s a shrapnel shell.

Shower the area… behind the tank…? With shrapnel…? What are you trying to do, scare whatever is behind it?

Japan was the first ever tech tree I completed, and I did it in 2019. It wasn’t an issue the moment I got to 2.3.
Played 2.3 until 4.7, played 4.7 until 6.7, 6.7 until 8.3, and so forth.

They start with 6E and usually go as “6ЭЦ43”, for example.
This is mechanical loader seen on T-80U/UD.

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That 8 means this tank can shot 8 round in a minute,not it can load precisely 8 rounds in a minute.
In other words,assumed reload time is 7.1s,then the autoloader can load 8.45 rounds in a minute.But you can’t fire rest 0.45 round.
So judging from the results, the tank shot 8 rounds in a minute.

ZTZ99: Frist time?

The sabott doesnt even look alike Svinets family to begin with:

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You might be refering to codename, not the GRAU index, as starting with some UVZ prototype of basically T-62 with autoloaded 125MM whcih had a codename original T-72 had same if not autoloader.

Guess which one gets tortured by the 7.1sec reload time first?
Guess which one severse 8 times faster than the other?
Guess which one has better mobility?

Lmao, no. The STRV-122s and 2A7 are stronger than the T-72B3/T-90M/whatever because they get that advantage of good hull armour without the disadvantage of dying in one shot to the LFP. Shoot a 122 in the LFP and you just kill the driver. The breech is more reliable but still far from guaranteed, especially if the Leopard is aware of you and shakes his mouse around.

Also, having a real reverse speed, an extra crewman, and double the gun depression helps.

Fair, but keep this in mind:


Принять решение о заключении, в случае победы в закрытом аукционе, сделки государственного контракта на поставку 125-мм выстрелов с бронебойно-подкалиберным снарядом «Свинец-2» для нужд Министерства обороны Российской Федерации, с начальной (максимальной) ценой
1 809 771 790 (один миллиард восемьсот девять миллионов семьсот семьдесят одна тысяча семьсот девяносто) рублей, на условиях документации об аукционе и заявки на участие в аукционе, сформированной Обществом."

Even if 3BM-59/60 indeed finished development in 2004 (doubtful), they were not ordered (BM-60 that is) until 2013 at the earliest.

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The GRAU index is what is considered its “code”, and “code” is even used synonymously in relation to the GRAU index.

I understand that much, 3BM59 itself was first revealed in 2004.

yeah really leos dont have to aim much since they also have a faster turret transverse better armor all around and better pen round. You are just really coping or well

What is bro yapping about… Germany is missing DM63A1 and DM73, America is missing M829A3 and M829A4, Japan is… idk I’m not an expert with asian vehicles. Russia has nothing else to offer for the 125mm. The T-14 however has stuff like 3BM70 which claims to be able to pen a metre of RHA (pure bull)

People can do okay in but are at disadvantage. We do know that they have faster turret transverse then 30 degrees a second and the type 10 round should be better pen then the leos top sabot. I dont mind the class cannon part. I mind the unreasonable slow turret speed which leads to poor gun handling and at close quarters to. You have to aim with a type 10 where as pretty much every mbt can snap shot you and do damage if not kill you outright. The type 10 round should be alot better. And overall the tank handles very poorly while driving. You take a corner or move a little you are very bouncy.

they claim a lot if the day is long…^^

Tungsten rod sharpenl you seem to be forgetting that part and no in front of it so it lands on the roof of the turret. What issue are you having with that concept ?

Russia has the 59 so that is a lie. And the type 10 round performs way better then it does in game. It actually is probaly in real life the best penning sabot currently.