Why Does Gaijin HATE Australia

Skill issue with shell shatter. Aiming at a simple plate makes it almost never happen except against strv 103s.
And spalling schmalling just take 2 shots- 1 on driver and gunner, 2 to take out rest of crew. Or aim for ammo. 99% time knockout, 1% gaijin but that’s the same with HEAT anyways.

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What the frick are you on about? You are the only person who wants to see Britain suffer because “MERICA!”

Britain already has ADATS as our top tier SPAA system, which is Canadian. What is so wrong about making Canada or Australia official sub TTs for Britain. Its too late to replace South Africa but its not too late to replace India.

This thread is not about “GIVE BRITAIN EVERYTHING”

This thread is about imrpoving Australia (and by extension Canada, New Zealand and few others) representation in game by

  1. Add more Australian (and Canada, etc, etc) vehicles to the game
  2. Add said vehicles to the same TT, so that they could be played together in the same line up (Canada has vehicles in 3 or 4 different TTs at the moment)

This could be achieved by adding them as an official sub TT for Britain. This should be done to replace “the commonwealth” we currently have which means we could get vehicles from 56 nations randomly. Few of which actually fit. I DON’T want Britain to get a load of Indian Aircraft at top tier for example. That would suck

I also dont think we need a Leopard or Abrams for top tier MBTs either, if they actually fixed the Chally 2. But as they refuse to do so. We are forced to look for alternatives. We should have also had something else to the T-90. An Australian or Canadian IFV for example would have been a lot better than an Indian MBT

If we must get fillers from Commonwealth nations (This is Gaijins official stance on the British TT btw, that apparently Britain never used light tanks or IFVs or something and therefore South Africa was the only option) , then let it be from sensible nations that have a connection to Britain outside of the Commonwealth. Again, the best for this would be Australia and Canada.

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how is that a skill issue the solid shot is more reliable for the 7.7 line up and is no where near as good as the aphe it faces


I find it funny how its a skill issue when British AP shells dont do anything, but APHE able to one shot someone from a hit nearly anywhere, requiring 0 skill is considered absolutely normal.


Aim better. Shoot anywhere without a complex curve or hard edge/corner and the shell will almost never shatter. Basically, centre mass and any tank goes down in 1-2 shots. Exceptions of course for the most heavily armoured of tanks, which need a bit more precise aiming for weak spots. But in the end APDS is equal or better than HEAT-FS for most uses and certainly a step up from APHE assuming a frontal encounter.

I beg you to try another nation before claiming yours suffers. It’s usually not the tanks that are bad, it’s the player. See for yourself how your opponents’ vehicles perform and you will become much, much better at your primary nation. This isn’t just a British main thing, but any single-nation player’s problem. It’s the same reason people think that the Tiger sucks- they’ve never tried anything else so they can’t make a comparison and therefore don’t realize it’s not the tank’s fault they are struggling.

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My guy it is APDA is worse in every way there is almost no post pen and shatters all the time making the solid best for most uses which is worse then APHE in a br with APHE that will one shot you regard less if the aim perfectly

Saying aim better when it does almost no damage where ever you hit

i have and it does

I’m not going to count the M1KVT and Wolfpack as playing another nation at 7.7…

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Skill issue. Even with 0 spalling the APDS core can still knock out crew easily, one shooting most tanks at the BR. It’s fine.

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it called getting there

Not 7.7 tho, or do you disagree with that?

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You are idiot to think APDS is performing perfectly well you say i can see how other countries have it when you are just so deluded that to think that i can’t


Im not the only one that thinks it under perfoms

All rounds except for APHE and Soviet APFSDS are underperforming.


the singular spitfire is a premium that was flown by Americans throughout the war

The f-111C was built by the US

The aim was built by the US and the changes made to it was a different material inside the amour (still the same protection) and cooling stuff for the crew, hardly a major modification

Germans built those leopards and modified them

why do you bring this up again? the majority of the community disagreed with that decision

The US has the harrier in active service, and the harrier 2 was co developed with the British

if the UK actually had a leo or abrams in service no one would be complaining about them having one


Once there were three little monkeys. Ah Ah had only ever eaten apples. Oh Oh had eaten many types of fruit, including apples and bananas. Ee Ee had just moved to the jungle. Ee Ee, running into Ah Ah and Oh Oh, asked them, “what is there to eat around here?”
“You should have an apple! They’re the best fruit ever! They’re sweet and juicy!” replied Ah Ah.
“Actually, I’d reccomend a banana,” stated Oh Oh, “they’ve got a better texture, more subtle flavour, and are better for our sensitive monkey teeth. While apples are good, bananas are much better”.
Which monkey’s advice do you think was more informormed, unbiased, and accurate?

In other words and with all due respect, Britain 7.7 does not suck. You suck. Want to prove me wrong? Good! Please do! Get yourself an M48 and a T-54 and show me in random battles how much better they are than a Centurion! Until then, your statements hold no more weight than a wehraboo’s “Tiger should be 4.3” claims.

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??? only 1 Abrams has anything to protect against ATGMs the M1HC Brit vehicles have era that actually does something.

i remember german players wanting the tiger 2 at 5.7