There are three Su-22M3 in the game.
Su-22M3 (USSR)
Su-22M3 (Italy)
Su-22UM3K (Germany)
Those are essentially the same aircraft, as the War Thunder Wiki says:
Being essentially just a twin-seat trainer variant of the Su-22M3 in the Soviet aircraft tree.
The only key differences are that the Su-22UM3K has more flares and 1 gun less.
And yet only the normal Su-22M3 get the R-60M, but not the Su-22UM3K. And that without BR changes to those planes. This gives USSR and Italy both another All-aspect slinger under 11.0.
So my question is why didn’t the Su-22UM3K get the R-60M (or MK as the export version)?
If the reason is the difference in flares, then give the Su-22M3 the flare pods it should have, as mentioned in this report from a long time ago: Community Bug Reporting System
(Its for the one in the USSR tech tree, idk if the Hungarian also had flare pods)
Because 12 flares is PITIFUL and the German one having 128 is more than enough for it not to get R-60Ms, even with the flight performance advantage the SU-22M3 has, as 12 flares is just not enough, even if you play like the biggest coward.
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If the reason is the difference in flares, then give the Su-22M3 the flare pods it should have, as mentioned in this report from a long time ago: Community Bug Reporting System
Idk about you, but all aspect missiles give a huge advantage to any plane. And it is 6 missiles we are talking about.
Well good thing it doesn’t have those extra flares yet, and therefore is buffed in another way that is relatively easier to model/implement.
Having 128 flares (plus chaff because you can afford to bring it) versus only 12 flares is a night and day difference and matters WAY more than short range R-60Ms, even if it had like 10 of them.
Its a discord screenshot (I guess) from the next update. We are currently on
Curious what discord server its from
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