Why do r60m's actively ignore flares now?

And so can the R-60M, as seen.
Launch an R-60M at 3km rear aspect and tell me it’ll track through 4-5 single flares.

How so?

Due to…?

Surely the best way to prove if there is a difference is to test is to run the exact same aircraft, with periodic flaring on, with a set of parameters (so chase aspect, AB on, target aircraft is F-14A, launch speed 800kph, range 1.5km) and just repeat these sort of tests, changing the parameter ever so slightly everytime (so this time it’ll be intercepting from the side, chasing but launching from offset 45 degrees, AB on, target still F-14, launch speed 800kph, range 1.5km) and keep doing that for 20-50 attempts and see what (if any) discernible pattern can be found.

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I wouldn’t be absolutely sure since they still use PbS / PbSe as the detector element, even if they are cooled(to varying levels) I’m not sure they would be sensitive enough in the contrast band (between the flare and engine exhaust / Airframe) to pick out the airframe.

Assuming that they require a similar apparent radiated energy to the AIM-9L, of 35 / 70 pW/cm of course and with Wien’s displacement law and a rough guide to volumes and temperatures of the exhaust gasses this could be estimated since we could use an example flare as a test case.

The Flare resistance is much more likely to come from encoding of the reticule itself than the seeker’s ability to resolve multiple signatures(how exactly it would do so with a a single element I don’t know, without detecting degraded guidance quality in the first place), or other approaches. And without access to actual specimens in question it’s difficult to compare their effectiveness.

The other issue is that none of the sources I’ve seen imply any capacity to track targets outside the Rear-Hemisphere (except for high Supersonic targets at altitude) and even if it somehow managed to do so the fusing isn’t likely to be able to function properly with significantly increased closure rate of the scenario so unless the missile scores a direct hit little damage is likely to be done.

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still broken sadly, i PREFIRED flares form my apache and it still ignored them lol

Can someone tell me why the R-60M stubbornly ignores false thermal targets???
For some reason, the AIM-9L calmly goes after them, even the AIM-9M launched into the frontal projection goes for false thermal targets, and the R-60M stupidly ignores them?
The developer will stubbornly not notice this until the next big update???

Never thought I’d see the day where people complain about r60s being too flare resistant

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Nevertheless, this is a fact. Yesterday I even specifically started pumping up the German 21-bis and yes, you throw the R-60M and this is a 90% guaranteed victory.

Here are the game files:


" “guidance”: {
“warmUpTime”: 1.0,
“workTime”: 20.0,
“uncageBeforeLaunch”: true,
“breakLockMaxTime”: 3.0,
“guidanceAutopilot”: {
“timeOut”: 0.35,
“propNavMult”: 4.0,
“reqAccelMax”: 30.0,
“accelControlProp”: 0.0015,
“accelControlIntg”: 0.0496,
“accelControlDiff”: 0.0005,
“baseIndSpeed”: 1800.0,
“accelControlIntgLim”: 1.0

“irSeeker”: {
“rangeBand0”: 7400.0,
“rangeBand1”: 2000.0,
“rangeBand2”: 7400.0,
“rangeBand3”: 7400.0,
“rangeBand7”: 3000.0,
“rangeMax”: 10000.0,
“fov”: 5.0,
“minAngleToSun”: 7.0,
“lockAngleMax”: 20.0,
“angleMax”: 45.0,
“rateMax”: 30.0,
“prolongationTimeMax”: 1.0,
“designationSourceTypeMask”: 38,
“constantDesignationSourceTypeMask”: 6


“guidance”: {
“warmUpTime”: 1.0,
“workTime”: 20.0,
“uncageBeforeLaunch”: true,
“breakLockMaxTime”: 3.0,
“irSeeker”: {
“rangeBand0”: 11000.0,
“rangeBand1”: 3000.0,
“rangeBand2”: 11000.0,
“rangeBand3”: 11000.0,
“rangeBand7”: 6000.0,
“rangeMax”: 11000.0,
“fov”: 3.6,
“minAngleToSun”: 10.0,
“lockAngleMax”: 40.0,
“angleMax”: 45.0,
“rateMax”: 22.0,
“prolongationTimeMax”: 1.0,
“designationSourceTypeMask”: 38,
“constantDesignationSourceTypeMask”: 6
“guidanceAutopilot”: {
“timeOut”: 0.4,
“propNavMult”: 4.0,
“reqAccelMax”: 30.0,
“accelControlProp”: 0.002,
“accelControlIntg”: 0.0361,
“accelControlDiff”: 0.0006,
“baseIndSpeed”: 1800.0,
“accelControlIntgLim”: 1.0

This makes sense considering that a r60m from behind chooses the flare considering that i am at a distance of 200m behind the enemy while he uses after burner. The missles performes really bad for me and i get constantly killed by magic 2’s or aim9l considering that i face them constantly. The missles should get a buff or ad 2 r73 to the mig23ml as i currently play with it so i can grind my future su30sm but the mig is now a pain in my ahh

Use your R-24 ;)