Why do Isreal top tier jets not use AGM 65s?

Merci. May a suggestion will help? I have no clue of how to make a suggestion which will be accepted

that is 695 what is indeed an F-15A, probably got upgraded to Meshupar standard by the looks of the weapons, but im more interested by what looks like an R530???

Yep, it is a R530 by the looks of it

hmm the Baz Meshupar booklet says 695 is a F-15A but it doesnt have turkey feathers, thats interesting

@Surbaissemaxxing this is the point where I can’t keep on with my knowledge. But thanks for what you have sended here may helps!

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i have a feeling this is displaying what they have in inventory it can carry, these seem to be the only images of an AGM-65 anywhere near a Baz rofl

As I said I have no clue but I agree

i almost have zero clue aswell

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I agree! Israeli F-16’s should have AGM 65s. Currently the CAS with Israel is very complicated because of the large amount of SAM’s and even more with the Pantsir which is very annoying the GBU’s are useless. Now the Russian CAS is more broken with the Su-34 and the Kh-38MT. Israel needs the AGM 65’s

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Combined with the Spice that F-16D has been waiting for a year and still has not appeared in the game, it is reasonable to suspect that the Spice of F-15I may have to wait for more than 2 years.