Why do I struggle so much with getting sl as a free to play player?

I recently hit the 5-6.0 br and I feel like every vehicle is so expensive, I have a bunch unlocked I just need to buy them. how can I get more sl?


Save more. When you leave it untouched you’ll get more saved, it’s only when you flitter it all away.

I always say to save up double what it costs you, and the training cost, before even thinking of buying it.

Another one is to wait until the discounts are a thing, research and unlock and just don’t buy them, and wait for the 50% off sale.


if you lack SL try playing naval with blue water ships. They have insanely big reward and I always use +100, 200, etc. boosters

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Turn off automatic repairs, and play at least 3 different nations. You’ll see a wrench icon on the bottom right of the hanger screen, make sure it’s switched off. There’s no point in grinding 6.0 and struggling with it, you’d do better if you start a new nation and work your way up. Collect rank II and rank III vehicles, they can repair quickly if you upgrade the logistical skill, then you can play them for free with no repair cost. Just wait and they will repair for free. If you play 6.0 and struggle then you need to play a lower level. Too many players get stuck on rank IV and rank V.

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  1. Dont spend it. Sounds stupid I know, but things like spading vehicles actually costs quite a bit of SLs. Use vehicles you’ve already spaded to grind SLs

  2. Naval, Bluewater especially, is pretty good for SL farm. Because of how score is rewarded, its not always about kills but also hits. Its my main source of SLs (though I do have premium time and when desperate for SLs I run a premium cruiser)

  3. Buy a cheap, low level premium. I know you are trying to avoid spending money, but most Rank 1 or 2 premiums barely cost more than £5. Whether air, ground or naval, it will give you a good boost to SLs and some of them can be very fun and worth the buy outright. Spitfire Mk.IIa Venture I was well worth the purchase, its a really fun aircraft fo fly.(if needs be, wait for a sale as well, so they are half price, should be one near christmas if memory serves me right) The starter packs for your chosen nation are typically well worth the cost.


Also, if you feel like you are gonna get some kills pop an antimech order, it’s way more useful in naval

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I forgot to mention, you can also buy 1 month premium and it will give you more silver lions for each match.

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Here’s one of my tip: grind the battlepass and buy the warbond premium tanks or plane. Tho, this is more of a long term thing but i have gotten them while only play enough to complete the daily and battlepass quest.

Do wagers, if you have any.

Unfortunately this game is designed to force you into premium after rank 4, if you are not one of the best 10%.

The cheap premium plane tip is the best in my opinion.
Find a Rank 3 plane that you really like, invest the 5 or 10$ one time and you can earn good SL with it for the rest of your playtime. For a game that you play for so long, 5 or 10 bucks should be ok.

My premium Dora also earned the SL for the Migs…

I believe this is true from my experience in ground vehicles. I’m stock grinding rank V vehicles and it depends on a lucky match: if I get 2 kills and my team wins, I might get 15% of the required RP toward the tracks upgrade for my tank. Never mind the transmission and engine, by the time I’ve got all the upgrades except the last 2, I’ll already be moving onto new vehicles.

Premium on sale is availabele several times a year. Basement rate is like 3$ per month. If that isn’t a bargain, nothing is. It turns all your vehicles into premium ones.

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