Why different BR PT-810 and PT-811

these us torpedo boats are at first and second glance total identical. But the prem. 811 has 3.7 wheras the 810 sits at 3.3 (both arcade). I see no reason for this difference

firing angle of rear bofors is quite different.

ok, this is only a very small difference but the 811 is also ok at 3.7
But - why it is only rank IV and the 810 is rank V at lower BR??
I assume not even GJ knows why…

These are 2 of the 4 experimental PT boats built 1949-51 to explore various things - eg PT-810 had a metal hull (10mm aluminium) as opposed to the more usual wooden ones. Pt-811 went back to wood for the hull.

PT-812 with gas turbines in the tech tree is one of the 4.

PT-809 is the 1 not in the game - it also had metal hull.

Whether tree or premium/gift and what tier is entirely a matter of “balance” AFAIK - premium versions similar to tech tree are often 1 tier lower for some reason.

See Motor Torpedo Boat Photo Archive for their histories

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Because they have a policy against changing the rank level of premiums after they’re in game, mostly.

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thx for your reply,
prem. vehicles are not always lower in rank - the german prem Pz IV is rank 3 and the others at the same BR are rank 2 - so there seems to be no logic in this. I assume that they very seldom change the rank of premiums (up or down) after put them into the shop.

That’s why I said they are “often” 1 rank lower, and not “always”…

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