ItPsV Leopard

it certainly isn’t the IR spotlight originally in that mount.

EDIT: actually real picture and not a 3d Model:

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What are you on about? You mean Tankograd from 2020, or Haynes from 2016 that are now apparently Russian?


Yall are the same kind of people that still say the TOG has a 17 Pounder, ITS OLD INFORMATION. Even if its a new Book, its old info that has been disproven.

But old school “experts” are stuck in their ways and wont change their info because heaven forbid they admit they are wrong.

I had to do the same kind of shit the other day to the TANK MUSEUM saying they had the last Black Prince.

Yea I find this extremely hard to believe bro

Ok, then show me the counter sources that disprove it.

All the information im pulling from the Wikipedia Article was pulled from these two books mainly, sadly i don’t own them or i would be properly siting it. They are books using newish information that was pulled from British sources as the Totem Pole Program was declassified as the Chieftains were retired from service


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Oh look, no thermal optics. There’s an obscurity in the housing that would block thermal signatures.
In-fact, the real picutre you show is of an IR light as you can see the center dot unlit as it’s a reflective lamp.

You’ve provided no evidence.
Your desire to push Chieftain Mk5 to ~9.7 based on only conjecture is wild.

Naming books that cost $$$ is not providing us a source to the claim. You’re not even giving page numbers which is required in academic papers.

Ok. I saw enough.

You have any idea how hard it is to find a picture of a Challenger 1 or Late Chieftain with its TOG’s box open?

This is basically the only image i can find, and you can see its the same basic Sight as what is fitted in the Above IR spotlight housing that thermal sight is in. atleast to my eye.


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Applique armor fitted.
Again, there is no evidence besides a test-unit that isn’t in War Thunder and the Mk11 of having TOGS.
Cause that photo can very well be Mk11.

it. isn’t. a. test. unit. Found another picture with the TOGs box open,(granted its a MK10!) same sight that is in the above tank.

Its documented that MK5s left the factory with TOGs in the IR spotlight housing, The Chieftain has again and again been quoted to be the first NATO tank to FIELD Thermals. IDK why this is so hard for people to believe the British mounted them earlier than the MK11.

Heh, my previous statement still applies.
Oh would you look at that, it is a “Mk11”:

01EB90 had a normal TOGS box, here is the EXACT TANK

And that tank isn’t in War Thunder.

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People already told you that, but you decided to ignore it i see.

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And this image has no applique armor, and is a earlier model due to other detail ques, yet it has Thermals in the old IR spotlight housing. Which is what was done to Most Chieftains fitted with thermals until AFTER the C1 showed up with its thermals.

IT was a stealth thing, they didn’t want the Russian’s to know they had Thermal imagers. So they shoved the thermals in the old IR Spotlight housings, which was the ONLY thing put in those housings before they were fitted with thermals.

Cause that is not a production vehicle, but a test vehicle according to @DevilO6 which has provided 2 units of evidence that coincides with all the images you posted

Chieftain Mk11 will likely be 9.7 - 10.0, be patient and accept the information Devil provided like I have.

i have a book from 1986 that says ALL of the Cheiftains were fitted with Thermals BEFORE THAT POINT, the Mk11s only came around in the LATE 80s, like 1988-89.

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TOGS didn’t exist until the early 1980s. And did not fully enter service until the mid 1980s.

I have one of those books (ref 30) so let’s look what it says…

That would happen to align with declassified MOD documents stating that TOGS production did not start until 1982 (TICM stands for Thermal imaging Common Module - the thermal sensor used in TOGS):

So no TOGS was not fitted to Chieftains in 1975