Why did the F-16C's thermals become Gen 1?

I am just curious as to why the thermals were reduced in quality on the F-16C. Considering it’s a Block 50, I would expect it to have better thermals than it has now (more akin to how it was when it had Gen 3 thermals). Can we expect the thermals to improve in the future with different guidance pods? Were the LITENING II pods ever upgraded?


In fact F-16C Block 50 under CCIP program equipped Litening AT or [Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod but currently not change targeting pod and gaijin lazy implemented

I hope gaijin not lazy and consider change targeting pod Litening II to Litening AT of first major update or second major update


The justification i belive it was that the f-16 has a lower resolution screen. The themal are still gen 3 but the resolution is shit. On tech tree tornado litening II become more clear the second they changed this.


Currently F-16C using Maverick’s resolution which is a acknowledged bug by gaijin, it happened before and they are currently gonna fix it.


I don’t mean to be a bother, but do you have the bug report or statement where they said it’s acknowledged or they’re going to fix it? If it’s a bug report I’d like to support it.

Here is the bug report


Awesome, thank you!

Gaijin don’t do thermals by resolution. It’s either Gen1, gen 2 or gen3

Lol then why on german tornado is a higher gen while its the same targeting pod ;)))

Because of a bug?

the deference of gen 1,2,3 is resolution. gen 1 having a low resolution that makes things kinda blurry, higher resolution makes things more clear as in gen 2 or 3

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hope they gonna to fix it soon, cause I’m really get headache when using F-16C with thermal pod

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Which is actually kinda funny, because for a while the German and Italian Torandos had Gen 1 resolution despite having a Gen 2 pod. Didnt know they had finally fixed that bug and in the process seem to have broken the F-16Cs

I might expect gaijin change targeting pod to 3rd generation targeting pod AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening ER or Litening AT replacement Litening II this year to reduce the hassles

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Yeah apparently the AN/AAQ-28(V)4 LITENING AT was present on almost all semi-modern American aircraft (eg. the F-16C, F-15E, A-10C, etc.). They should definitely be adding a different set soon. Seeing as the Italian AMX should get the LITENING III, Gaijin really needs to go through and differentiate each variant soon.

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and they are taking months to fix it! various bugs has been resolved in the recent changelogs but the slowest when it comes to the US 16C lmao

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İts actually weird that considering Tornados had the same problem but got fixed while F-16C somehow got this bug instead.

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you can zoom in on a screen…
Those are mfd’s that can process stuff. The sensor resolution is the important bit (together with fov optics etc)

The entire Litening pod in WT is a total mess anyway. Current modelling of gen 2 FLIR on the Litening pod match Litening ER/AT better than Litening II (the base model).

I did a lot of searching on the Litening pod, I also got another report going on to fix its FoV levels (it should have a lot more zoom), and from what I know Litening II should only have 256x256 resolution (~gen 1 in game) and later pods 512x512 (~gen 2 in game). So what’s essentially the Litening II in game would correspond better to the irl Litening ER/AT already.

I hope they just change the names accordingly. The Tornado version we have in game I think also only carried the base Litening II, but I don’t mind it’s resolution being higher. It’s nice to have.

Me praying for the better pod on the UK Tornados and Harriers