Why can’t heavy tanks act as heavy tanks?

I have been playing war thunder for around 2 years now and heavy tanks just don’t seem to really act as heavy tanks. I know they are at a designated bar for a reason but they are also heavy tanks for a reason. Like for example the Tiger II (H) and (P), they are at a br of 6.7 with a chance of being up tiered to other tanks superior to it. The point of heavy tanks are to be big, bulky, armored, almost moving bunkers but in war thunder, they just act as a slow, more armored, medium tank.

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They are like that because having heavies act like what you imagine would not be good for balance.

If i had to choose between a medium tank or a heavy that has slightly worse mobility, hard to crack armor, and similar/better gun, why would i ever pick the medium?

Heavies cant sit there and take rounds but they are able to provide more options to those driving them which i find to be a nice benefit.

Ps: there is already a few topics on this.


Short answer: Up and downtiers don’t allow heavy tanks to be balanced.
They either over- or underperform.

An uptiered heavy tank is just a slow medium tank for higher BR tanks.

Of course it generally depends on the vehicle. The Caernavaon is just a Cenkt Mk 3 with some armor on the upper glacis.

So as a heavy you are more likely to survive but that doesn’t mean you will or that you will be more effective.
And vehicles are balanced around how effective they are overall.

sorry gaijin said we need at least 3 howitzers every update
why bother playing a heavy tank when you can get killed as easily if you were playing a medium/light tank?


Tiger IIs will still bounce rounds from a number of 7.7s, which your team has 4 of.
They won’t underperform.

I play King Tigers from time to time, I don’t have any complaints. The caveat being that I play in Arcade, so both teams are an eclectic mix of nations. Maybe it is different in RB due to certain combinations of nations in opposing teams?

The KV1 can still act as heavy tank. You can just roll towards the enemy and you often survive alot fire. You might even angle it a bit for even more protection.

Thats the only example I now. All other heavies get outclassed by light fast movers and often mediums.

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My response from the first thread on this question.

My brother in Christ that is how the BR system works

lmao no. only the maus and assault guns like tortoise were made to this ideal
Heavy tanks were meant to be bigger better armoured better gunned counterparts to medium tanks, exactly like how they behave in WT

And unlike WT, they weren’t as common as medium tanks. Heavy tanks can’t be made vastly better than what they face without severely limiting their numbers or moving them up in BR.

Because if they were at a lower BR, in a downtier they would be literally unkillable. Fighting something that your only chance of survival is to run away from is not fun, especially as something like the Tiger also has a great gun that can one shot most things, even in an uptier. Which ever side had germany with a dozen Tigers would always win.

Uptiers always suck, but Id rather the Tigers have an equal fight in an uptier than everything have an un-winnable fight in an uptier vs Tigers

Yeah thats the other core part, in WW2, I think the Ratio was something like 5x Shermans vs 1x Tiger.


HT used to be a thread and also cost a pretty penny, but you were also able to get around them and not have to face them head on all the time. (I used to go around and pick them out specifically for that reason)
People complained about getting killed from the sides and rear and that they can’t kill tanks head on in their mediums and lights. Now we have HT, which are a bit silly, since you may as well use a lighter tank, unless you are at your BR in a +0.0 match, on smaller more corridor like maps or cities and less effective armor than ever.
It’s more difficult to be effective in HTs these days, due to how the game has developed.

Being unkillable is the literal point of a heavy tanks, but war thunder is t using it properly

You are not a bright one to assume Heavy tanks were designed to be “Unkillable” They were often built to carry the heaviest of armaments, that other vehicles at the time could not due to technical limitations.

Heavy armor was a supplement to the bigger gun. To better counter the weight. However, not all heavy tanks were based on guns or armor some were simply because of their weight.

Heavy Tanks in the game act as they should. Vehicles that carry heavy firepower, more than one type of firepower, or more armor but weaker firepower. Sometimes both.

It isnt but okay, you believe that if you want lol.

The purpose of IRL heavy tanks varied depending on doctrine and what it was specifically designed to do. Many were designed for acting as a breakthrough tank, others to act as a bunker buster/support infantry, all of them required infantry/combined arms support to protect them from their enemies getting at their weaker sides and rear.

Also while they were frontally armoured to withstand most hits, they were not generally speaking armoured enough to protect from “anything”, this was just not generally possible. If heavies got positioned where they would be “impossible” to defeat frontally, you would have a massive heavy meta given how the maps often work in favour of heavies in that regard (think churchill VIIs at 4.0, balanced? Tiger tanks at 4.3/7, balanced?).

Also, as the decal goes… did you angle today?