Why B-29s have no incendiary bombs in game?

They were extensively used by them.

Do you want base health to be EVEN HIGHER??


No heavy bomber does yet, This is the same for the Lancaster for example. Some of these bombs likely arent viable due to their very small nature and would be classed as a form of cluster munition which isnt modeled in game yet. But there are larger types which probably would be fine to be added to the game, but havent been yet, maybe due to balance concerns, but more likely its just at the bottom of the list, heavy bombers are fairly universally neglected in game at the moment

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I think ARB needs a “heavy” target. Either make the enemy airfield a target or add a large, heavily defended base that takes a lot to kill. Such targets would be the perfect targets for B-29s/Lancasters, etc regardless of incendiary bombs, but even more so with them

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A B-29 would typically drop 1520x M69 6lb bombs in a single raid…that would be fun to watch.



Well… did not know that. Though really not surprised the soviets have it and no one else does

this is Chinese

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Does the soviet Tu-4 also have it?


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Damn. That is even more surprising.

The He-177 also gets incendiary bombs.

not 40 of them.

this thing is a SL maker

Yeah, not surprised. Makes me really want the equivalent 500 - 4000lb incendiaries on the the Lancaster now.

why not the Grand slam? 22,000 lbs bomb

when you absolutely need to take out a convoy or cap point lol

This is true, probably needed to sink Tirpitzs sooner rather than later :P

but this would be just as satisfying.

Considering that just like 100 regular sized rockets already lags some people’s games maybe 1520 individual 6lb bombs is not such a great idea
Especially if they’re targeting something with a complex damage model like a ship

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16x B-29s dropping 24’320 onto a single target at the same

Gaijin’s Servers:


because warcrimes.

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