Why are the Challenger 1s at 10.3 and 10.7?

The Challenger MK2, MK3 and DS at 10.3 and 10.7 are stupid. Because gaijin nerfed their armour at some point in the past, it lacks engine power and so mobility, its frontal armour is glass thin and most rounds can go straight through it, and its L23 on the Challenger MK2 can be described as nothing but mediocre for its BR of 10.3. What really ticks me off is that these vehicles are fighting against much better tanks such as the T-80UD,Leopard 2A4 (& STRV 121), M1 Abrams, T-80B hell even the T-72… The Challenger Mk2 and 3 variants are glass cannons, where their previous selling points were being a heavily armoured fortress, to compensate for its low speed, of which simply isn’t the case. So what we have here, is an insanely slow tank, with very lacking armour and a pretty weak round with horrible ammo stowage fighting tanks better in almost if not every regard? Especially with the Challenger MK3 facing consistent uptiers to 11.7.


Only thing they need is bigger first stage.


That goes for all challengers, their first stage ammo stowage should be around 20. But again, the other issues are in my post above


With 20 rounds of ammo at 5s of reload they would have a really good firepower, especially 10.7 ones.
Their turret can eat common rounds at their BRs like DM23, M774 and 3BM42.
With decent gun handling, thermals, gun depression and mobility they should be fine at their BRs.

It should have the 20 rounds first stowage ammo, which would greatly improve its overall performance. As for the turret eating common rounds, fair enough at range, not so much at like point blank, as of course the Challenger is meant to be a sniper. Issue is, most other tanks are equally as good at sniping

The main issues that need addressing are first stage ammo rack sizes and they should have gen 2 thermals. With those they should be fine. Mk2 I think is okay for 10.3, but the line-up is a little weak and fighting the Type 90 premium spam is annoying. L23A1, L26 and the later L27A1 do have some post-pen inconsistancy that at the very least need a review

Mk3 and DS though do struggle in the full uptiers and an actual decompress of top tier is needed.

Additionally, I beleive the DS is missing its armour addons it got when it deployed to Op Granby (or what is more commonly known as Desert Storm)


I’m not the most educated on british tanks but wouldn’t that just make them plain better than the 10.7 Abram’s? Like the Abram’s only gets gen 1 thermals the reload rate is about the same and if you add the ammo stowage it’ll be equal there too.The amor has different purposes but I feel like the challenger is a little harder to pen at range and about the same at point blank. I don’t mean that because of this it shouldn’t be added but it might have to go up a little or should the abram’s go back down to 10.3?

All tanks (beside the T-72) add on armor is inaccurate from dessert storm

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I have no idea how the Abrams performs, but the 4 round ready rack is a big nerf that is only applied to the CR1s and CR2s. Year+ old report for those. M1 Abrams for example has the same reload as the CR1s but nearly 6x the ready rack size (22 rounds). In a sustained brawl, this gives the Abrams a massive advantage.

Looking just at the Wiki. Abrams has much better armour but the Mk3 has ERA. Abrams is also much faster. It also has the 50 cal which can be handy to have at times.

Mk3 has the better optics and larger gun, which naturally means more pen and better range.

As for the Thermals, CR1, CR2 and TIALD all use the exact same thermal imager and yet they model different Gen for CR1 and TIALD compared to the CR2. I dont think this would be all that significant of a buff.


Then that is fair if its universally omitted, but it would still be accurate to say the Chally DS is underperforming in terms of armour

For arcade ground, the british 10.7 might be my strongest lineup across all nations.

Abrams is much more mobile and would have better gun handling.
With increased ready rack, those two would be pretty decently balanced.

How do there rounds compare becuase honestly it sounds like the 10.7 abrams and challenger should move down.

M1 should not move down as it’s one of the best 10.7 at the moment.

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Really? I feel like the T series tanks are best at that BR range.

T-80B is fine but M1/2A4 edge it out a bit.


I understand the 2A4 but the M1 always seems to get 1 shot from the front no matter what. The turret ring is also pretty bad but in my experience it takes 1 shot to fully disable a abram’s (engine gunner loader and turret ring) and 2 to fully disable a T-80B.

Even in a decent plinking spot I find myself hitting the first stage limit.


Yep, it also has an insanely long replenishment, one of the longest in game I think. So unless you are firing less than once every 20 seconds, you’ll hit that limit fairly easily


Not everything revolves around armor though.