the cabin in the photo is not turquoise, the black looks like light gray and has no identification marks
the cabin in the photo is not turquoise, the black looks like light gray and has no identification marks
Real photographs have solar light to deal with.
Nature causes colors to look different depending on time of day, weather, etc.
If you zoom in on the second photo you can still see the turquoise, it’s a soviet/russian staple and you will be seeing it for a long time
If you are talking of the resolution just download and install custom skins they are more detailed
I think he is upset at the detailing of the cockpit and how that affects it’s appearance in the camos, universal issue with any skin because gaijin chose to model a fullback with a fully blue cockpit, which the OP is getting fussy about
litteraly unplayable ig
That might have to do with your graphics and post FX settings, and/or general monitor capabilities depending on what type of monitor it is and what functionality it has.
yes, part of the cockpit with instruments is turquoise, but in the game everything in the cockpit is the same color, although in real life I cannot find an example with a completely turquoise cockpit. This, in my opinion, makes a big difference in appearance.
and why there are no identification marks on the second skin
it looks turquoise to me
The only thing that actually looks off are the black out curtains which should be white not dark gray
the main part that infuriates me is that in the game we see the turquoise cabin from the outside from any angle, it’s literally an outline. In the photo and video, the cabin element of this color is not visible from the outside.
oh didn’t know about that, thanks
dont search with the filter, insert in search bar “su34” and from all the time