I’m talking about premium vehicles that you can buy with GE. Why does the 2C bis cost eight times more than the H.39 “Cambronne” while they are both at rank one? Why does the 15 cm Pz.W.42 cost nearly five times as much as the Pz.III N while being at a lower BR and at the same rank? And the most extreme example I found: WHy does the Calliope cost more than the 2S38? The 2S38 is 6.0 BRs above the Calliope.
I would really like to know why some are just more expensive.
Meme vehicles, GJ either removed or didn’t have the vehicles and players really pushed for them, so GJ wanted to capitalize on the hype and get as much money from it as they could. After all, the devs have families to feed.
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They are nothing but codes in a database, since everyone already “owns” the all of the vehicles in the game because they are in the game files of every client. You just don’t have permission to use it.
Its all an artificial scarcity that makes cryptocurrencies seem legit in comparison.
By didn’t have I mean they weren’t implemented in game
The more meme/unique a vehicle is, the more GE it costs.