Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Also, Yeah, they don’t.

They are punching bags getting lol penned by Mediums that they shouldn’t be fighting.

You tell ME with a straight face that a MATILDA or Churchill MK1 Should be fighting Late War PZIVs WITH MORE ARMOR than them.


Only very few are like that. In my experience playing 6.0-6.7 heavy tanks, they are quite powerful and they have useful armour.

I can’t comment on the Matilda because I have not played it. The long 75mm panzer IVs are undertiered at their current BR and should be 4.0 imo.


T34, M6A2E1, T26E1, T26E5

Their 6.7 are stacked.


Arrant nonsense, but a different discussion - there are many ways introduction date can be a factor AND the game can be balanced.

I’ve been playing history based toy soldier games since 1972 covering the eras from 3500BCE to 2000’s CE and this one right here is the only one I’ve ever encountered that doesn’t do so.

this is a fun game for what it is, but it isn’t the be-all and end-all of balancing unequal equipment by a long shot.


Matilda is a pretty good heavy tank. The 40mm works for the br and the armor holds up well.

I feel like thia whole thing is just a remix of the germain main issue.

They hear “heavy tank” and assume that it will be like most other games where the heavy tank is a huge boss-lvl threat. They then get into a match and think they can basically hold W and charge the enemy.



Late easy eight sherman???

Hold up wtf-


Easy 8 Sherman’s saw service in the US army into Korea, and even a little while after, They were preferred over the Pershing, and only really saw replacement when the M46 Patton came into service.

And the Easy 8 wouldn’t actually be too far out of place being a Low tier/Reserve tank in a Korea forward tech tree, it would be fighting alot of Lighter vehicles, That it could still effectively knock out, save a few T-34-85s, while also not being super well armored.

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Idk if this is it but I feel like the main problem is how the snail treat’s it’s vehicle’s in their combat role’s.

Basically, instead of having a team death match. We have an actual war that requires strategy that also accommodates the need’s/role’s of these vehicle’s that are the outlier’s to the Balance by time argument.

This would basically balance most vehicle’s to be actually usable in and out of combat. Instead of being purely who can kill each other the most efficient way.


Ive had a great experience with russian, american and german heavies. Idk how you can say that they arent hard to kill

Properly tiered …like Tig II /Jagd and such that are facing missiles and helis from 1960 /70’s

What happen ,did somebody kill you M18 again or destroyed your Jumbo trough MG port ?

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Heavy tanks are easy to play.

Did you play the WW2 event where you were able to do exactly that? Tiger H1/E, panthers and Tiger II against M18, Jumbo and other M4 variants. Any players using the heavies in these gamemodes (Arcade especially) absolutely destroyed any players using light and medium tanks.

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I don’t know how WT didn’t put the A-10 to fight in BR. 5.0 next to p51 still, this game has so much wasted capacity… they are just worried about adding new tanks, even if the immersion is 0

The only heavy tank that has seriously strong armor protection for its BR is the KV-1B (a German limited event tank) and arguably Churchill VII (a British tech tree vehicle).

Additionally, you claim that a Pz.IV penetrated your Churchill VII frontally, which is nearly impossible.

I would like to hear of actual tech tree heavy tanks in the German or Russian tree that you consider “properly tiered” and which are somehow not susceptible. Because, from my experience - the only heavy tank that regularly requires specialized weaponry is the British Churchill VII.

Basically - what I’m asking is why did you single out “Russia” and “Germany” for no real apparent reason? It comes off as very uneducated.

The Churchill mark 7 can be penned frontally by a 3.7 KV-1, what are you on about?

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Yeah, in the weakspots. Same is true the other way around

The Mk.VII? Please do show where a Churchill Mk.7 can be easily penetrated by a KV-1 that doesn’t include a literal pixel weakspot which you can easily account for as a Mk.7 driver.

I’ll be waiting for your screenshot.

Revisited the Tiger 1:s earlier today, in my opinion they still hold their status as great tanks. All you have to do in order to perform well in a Tiger, is to not rely blindly on the armour, which you honestly shouldn’t do in any tank regardless of how well armoured it is.

But I guess heavy tank to some players is synonymous with “impenetrable bunker on tracks which should be able to steamroll all opponents”.


Yeah, Heavy tanks are good in Arcade Battles for exactly this reason. Less area with a ‘green cross’ and buffed mobility which evens out the big mobility differences you see in Realistic or Simulator. This allows heavy tanks to be used very aggressively in most maps, especially as big maps are rare at rank 2-4.

The roof armour is sloped at the front. You can lolpen the Churchill there with most medium to low velocity APHE firing guns.

Or go for the 30mm plate behind the tracks.