Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Thankfully Gaijn is sane and does this, otherwise we would have like
Pbv 301 at 9.0 or some bs lol


And? bullshit Light tanks like that shouldn’t be stomping much older tanks that don’t realistically stand a chance against it.


pbv 301
bullshit light tank

I want you to go look at the WT wiki for like.

One minute, please.

Or even one second.


I meant what i said.

its a IFV. Same as the Marder, Warrior, all that shit.

Even if its built off a PZ38 chassis, its STILL a IFV.


2 crew
no atgm


Literally worse pen then german 20mm HVAP.


There are dozens of historical wargaming systems that enable non-equivalent forces and equipment to fight against each other - mostly by using some form of points to measure their effectiveness so you get many fewer heavy tanks than light tanks for example.


oh good lord here we f*ing go again.

You want.

A IFV with a single bad 20mm.

To fight leo 1s.

Think over that for a sec, and then go look at the massive pile of evidence that says historical MM wont work.


Exactly how I feel trying to explain something other than the BR system to people who have no experience of it … yet again.

You get some points, you buy what you like - if you want to buy 20mm AA systems in a time period that has Leo-1’s in it then that’s your choice - at least you know you will get 4-5-6 or 10 of them to each Leo, and hey - perhaps you just want to play AAA???

On the flip side it’s a 1944 game - you get to buy 3 Shermans for each Tiger 1 other other side has… or maybe 1.5 Fireflies…

Too may WT players are utterly myopic when it comes to how plenty of other wargamers can manage to have historically-match equipment opposing each other.

Regardless of all that, the BR system and near-peer matchmaking are why heavy tanks are just “meh” in War Thunder, and why so many whereabo tears are shed over the lacklustre performance of big cats compared to what their war comics told them it should be.



Real life is inherently imbalanced, and WT aims to have a fun and balanced game. Stuff like the Pvkv II is a '50s thing- do you want it up at 7.0?

The simple existance of nations beyond the big three will always make it impossible, and people have to understand that.

Unironically a complete skill issue lol


It is probably because many players dont want the game to have another mechanic to steam roll.

With a point system, good players get the better tanks and the best players get the best tanks while a worst players get the worst tanks. Some veteran player in a tiger 2 vs a new player in a m5 stuart is probably not a good match up

Not to mention that it creates a horrible mm. Everyone just plays the one side with better tanks.


I don’t think that is as common as people make it out to be.

It used to be quite bad when the Marder and BMP were lower, but now that they are higher up late war heavies can flourish very easily. Something like the Pbv 301 is a non issue, considering it is worse than a Pz II c in some situations. Even ones with HEAT/HEAT-FS like the Pt-76 are still very easy to kill.

And if your issue is with lower BR light tanks without newer rounds, that is a skill issue.


And heavies absolutely dominate AB, its honestly incredible how good they are.


Okay and maybe the Panther because that thing is a light tank with the armor of a heavy and its funny as shit

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The classification or production/operation dates are meaningless in WT. The Pbv only has a single 20mm cannon, and it lacks anything that high tier IFVs have, like an ATGM, or APDS.


Confused The Point GIF by Travis


Attack the D point!


It is a completely different game f’sure, and in those different games people who always try to bring the biggest and best soon run out of anything at all…

WT is fine as it is… for what it is… and the reason heavy tanks are “meh” remains as I said - because of the BR system and near-peer matchmaking.


It does tho.

They just need to split the tech trees. That simple.

Let WW2 shit fight only WW2 shit, and let Korean War and above fight only Korean war and above.

Other games already do this, look at Console World of Tanks, AND the old Mobile game called Armored Aces.


The thing is, WWII stuff fought Cold War stuff IRL, and that will lead to certain trees becoming useless. Both France and Sweden would become unplayable because many of their tanks are post war, but are essentially WWII tanks underneath. The Pbv 301 is from the 1960s, but it fits really well in low tier because of its capabilities. Same thing applies to the Asu-57 and Amx-13s.

Any hard date/era split will be bad for the game, and it won’t benefit the game in any way.

Also, you still haven’t said anything about any specific heavy tanks that don’t function as heavy tanks in this thread yet.


Because they have the capabilities of early-mid WWII tanks. It is that simple.

Introduction dates shouldn’t be considered in a well-balanced game. Tanks need to be primarily balanced off of their capabilities. You can’t say with a straight face that tanks like an Asu-57 or early AMX-13 should face tanks from the 1950s.

There are no good solutions that incorporate intro dates into balance. It will only lead to imbalance.



Its almost as if Im not saying that?

Why can’t stuff like the ASU and PT-76, late Easy 8 Sherman, M41 bulldog, AMX-13, French Shermans, stuff like that, Why can’t they be the reserve tier of that Modern tree?