2.3-4.0 is surprisingly compressed. You go from Stuarts at 2.7, to T-34s and Sherman’s at 3.3. It makes uptiers quite punishing, especially for heavy tanks, like the French B1s.
I recently played M-51 and found out how great it is.
Really? I have it in my Sweden line up but its totally stock with solid shot.The drop off currently is shocking ,I am firing and the shell just seems to vanish ,must be falling short.I’ll try it again.if the Pvkv is better than the other two then that is a serious post war line up and no wonder WW2 purists are crying : )
I love playing Sweden but look at it from the WW2 purists point of view.
At 4.0 I also have my copy paste Panzer IV,T34 and Sherman. Its fictitious and silly but I’ll admit its fun.
I really like that tank,it was better when Gaijin left a bit of cover on the maps though.
It’s another one that you just know when you have been hit by it in a WW2 tank.All the other WW2 beasts are hitting you and causing little or no damage then BOOM ,the M51 hits you from the same range and you are dead or a mess.
Its just an odd kind of take out ,again I can see why it frustrates WW2 tank players even though it requires skill to use.
That thing fucking sucks lmao, it aint even good. Would rather take the 4.0 pvkv m/43 over it any day. SAV is definitely good, but I have detailed what should happen to it above :)
The solid shot sucks, but once you get APHE its wonderful. It only seems to have that dropoff due to the insane zoom. Its quite good imo.
Only the sherman is fictious in that regard, T-34s and Panzer IVs were used by the finnish. The III/IV I will admit is wack, should be 4.0.
Sorry to say this, but WT isnt a game for a WW2 purist, and never will be. Honestly I really recommend to stop thinking about it from that perspective and really just enjoy it as a game, because thats what it is.
If it got its current mistakes corrected it would be fine at 3.7. It has 100 more horsepower than it should.
Heavy tanks were a thing. They were developed and built for a reason. War Thunder denies that reason.
APDS yes, the gun its based off of had a prototype for it. HEAT no, but the original suggestion for it had it.
And no I dont lol, that thing is shrouded in bofors prototype mystery
Ikv 103 sucks because its gun handling is horrid and it can be 7.7d in an instant. With postpen buffs it would probably only go up to maybe 5.0 or something, it really isnt that good.
M56 has a much faster reload and actual velocity on its gun, plus better traverse and APHE, plus its got so little armor it doesnt set off fuzes- something the ikv 103 doesnt have.
Like seriously that velocity on the Ikv is like 500m/s its very, very bad.
Right here.
Yes he can. Both can be bad.
But beyond that the 106 mm recoiless rifles actually have something that mitigates this, which is their ranging MGs.
It’s 6 seconds right now with an ace crew. 7.8 with a fully stock one. Assuming you mean the M56.
One must not forget that the M56 also received a reload rate buff for its 90 mm cannon, making it faster reloading than any manually loaded 90 mm.
Seriously if you dont know how to make the it work then you dont know how to play War Thunder .You cant utilize the amazing gun depression and the cover provided by hills.I can see by your game count you are a relative newbie and it shows.103 has twice the penning power of the thickest WW2 available as far as I can see.
I’ll take your word on that one and give it another go
WW2 vehicles facing vehicles form 20 years later is about as silly as it gets ,it may be fun but its pretty stupid and not what I expected when I started this game.
Well I said you were a new kid due to lack of games but are you a kid? I mean if you really have no interest or appreciation of WW2 then maybe leave the subject alone and let those who do have their say.
Those things tend to be mounted on go-karts with full turrets tbf, and you often get more of em, with the ontos having six.
Unfortunately, yeah. I would love that round for the Ikv 103 tho :/
Tbh the Ikv will always just be that one low tier derp gun that pens through everything but isnt good, and it really isnt a balance problem given that thing can be 7.7d from the front.
It did happen irl, though- and again, gaijn has correctly chosen to balance off of capability, not era, which lets trees beyond the big three actually be useful ingame.
I didnt say that…? I very much am interested in WW2 and have done significant research into it, but I also know that WT is a game and not a mirror of real life.
I played flanders and just hid behind a gentle slope about 500mm from the half way line .I think I got about 8 without even moving(ok no cas lucky me) I could barley see half of what I was shooting at but i was one shot kills nearly all the time and some heavy Russian stuff.Cant really think of what WW2 era vehicles would have been the same.
It was fun but it felt wrong as I am in a a vehicle Sweden still used in the 70s firing HEATFS and I am facing WW2 heavies the size of houses.The pointlessness of the WW2 heavy under those circumstances is apparent.200 mm of armour should make you some kind of king but you are a beggar when facing weapons that can pen double that.Like having chain mail when facing fire arms.
It is no surprise some people get so tetchy when somebody suggests era separation,they see their meal ticket flying away.I see the attraction in seal clubbing obsolete tanks dont get me wrong ,its fun,like hitting newbies at one BR is fun and it makes those all important stats rise for many I guess.
Most vehicles used twenty years after WW2 were heavily upgraded and bore little resemblance to what they were originally accept maybe in some third world scenario and WT is not that is it? Everything about the game dictates a WW2 scenario,camo ,decals,even historical challenges.OK its done badly but its there.You cant deny the interest in WW2 and even WW2 separation in this game…unless you are relatively new.I consider myself new in many ways with 13000 games compared to some on here.
Then you should understand why so many just want to be able to immerse themselves game play wise into a WW2 game.WT can be a brilliant WW2 recreation when it wants to be and it was more so about 3 years ago but its giving that aspect away and that is a shame.
WT is a game but its a game that could have simply cut itself in two or even three and be a much better game instead of putting Modern MBTS on the same maps as WW2 and making a mad jumble of nations on each side. Opportunity missed.
I agree that the era separation ship has probably long since sailed if I am honest.In some respects I am coming to terms with the era mix but it doesn’t make me or anybody else wrong.
First, hell no because the japanese tanks are overtiered. Second, the japanese guns are noticeably better performing, with Type 4 Kou being far better against angled armor than PzGr39 and has nearly 3x the filler.
The long gun Pz IVs could go up by one step, but I don’t see any more than that being fair to them. They’re just not very good with bouncy suspensions, giant profiles, and armor that works better as a suggestion.
The long 50mm is worse than the 75mm M3 in pretty much every way except shell velocity, and I’d take the latter every single time.
“Armor is weak”
Dude they have near TIGER level of protection if you have the tracks installed. WTF do you mean?
The UFP alone isn’t what makes the Tiger’s armor strong. It’s the fact that the whole tank has decent all round armor and that it is basically a perfect box which allows for it to angle. By themselves the flat plates of the Tiger are simply not special.
The Pz.IV H simply cannot angle to nearly the same degree as a Tiger, not only because the side armor is extremely weak, but it also angles inwards. And while the 95 mm effective upper glacis is more respectable due to much lower BR, you still have a glaringly weak turret that even a Bofors L40 can penetrate with the add on armor equipped.
And they can frontally pen a 4.7 Churchill MKVII, OR any Sherman outside the Jumbo’s…
So why are they Fighting the Matilda, M3 lee and shit?
A Tiger can angle and be over 150mm effective anywhere. A Pz IV’s frontal turret is always 50mm flat and you can’t ever hide it.