Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Between the limited damage models and our ability to put dozens of 20mm shells in a single spot due to mouse aim, bombers aren’t in a great spot no.

Granted, I hit their pilot on the first and aimed exclusively for the right wing on the second, so not a surprise they got shot down.

And of course, if it was a 262 hitting them instead, I don’t expect them to survive more than 4 hits.

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Got to love how some heavies can be mulched by AA guns. I struggle with heavy tanks so much I have a better time playing naval

So much garbage to contend with when playing old WW2 era tanks ,if its not CAS it’s cold war artillery.

I wonder what the War Thunder people really do want us to do in this game now.

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I recently played my IS-7 and a Japanese Type 99 just oneshot me, lobbed the shell right below me like a mine. I also got one tapped in my T95 once or twice and one tapped 2 Mice in a row with my own Type 99. Oh, and recently I one tapped an IS-3 in my new American T-30, the Event HE shooter.

Heavies are just a sad joke in War Thunder really :(

Too slow to cap, too unreliable armor to just rush into the enemy and brawl, too sluggish to defend from flanks etc.


It is hard to have confidence in an armoured heavy anymore so why play them?

Then they make all the maps barren and narrow so its pointless to play a fast light tank.So whats the point of playing at all ?

This has been the longest that I have gone without a premium account .

Gaijin made the game so stupid I stopped paying.So I am not coming on here with a long emotional goodbye but Gaijin just dont get any cash from me anymore. It’s not even a protest ,I just cant be bothered with it .

Maybe we will all enjoy it more if we play for free.


They are only a sad joke if you have trouble playing the game.


Because this is War Thunder. There are Br and Balance fraud here.

And not only that. There are a lot of gangs here saying “but you have guns, but you have armor”.

What you need to do is very simple: just stop playing heavy tanks. They have no meaning in this game.

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Just because you can’t play them doesn’t mean they are bad.


He didn’t say bad - he said they have no meaning, and he’s right - being a “heavy” tank has no meaning in War Thunder


I’m talking about what I see. You are talking about things you have not seen.

I find it hypocritical that you call everyone who expresses their opinion on this issue “talentless”

Admit it, you can explode heavy tanks with a single hit from where you sit and earn points. You are afraid of playing against heavy tanks and you are trying to deceive people under the name of incompetence.

Let me tell you something? You don’t need to be afraid. With a simple game matchmaker model, each team can have an equal number of heavy, medium and light tanks. This forces you to make a strategy. But you’re all lazy here who want every tank to be the same.

For example, a medium tank can hit a heavy tank from the side thanks to its speed. or a heavy tank can fire a supporting shot at the rear. or two heavy tanks can attract bullets while seizing territory and try to kill each other when they meet. Each tank can have a role and the game can become much more fun. Otherwise, it makes no sense for all tanks to be the same.

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Unless playing wot or Something even more unrealistic that just doesn’t work

Stuff like the tiger 1 or Tiger 2h doesn’t even have weak spots (over the turret cheeks)

And most tanks just aren’t built to that specification
The Panther was penable by anti tank rifles
14.5mm and 20mm from the side so think the Russian AA truck and the Italian l3 until they added side skirts to the Panther

Tiger 1 can relatively easy be penned by short 75mm and UK 57mm guns if the distance and angle is right

Even the tiger fiebel(tiger Manual ) mentions the importance of angling

Not to mention if we would go after your example a good heavy player would just stomp an entire team of mediums and Light tanks

Why does it read like a wot imposter

Having an equal Numbers of heavys sounds Great in practice but that’s it
Just look at wot having 3 ebr per team doesn’t work because if one of teams got all bad ebr player’s it’s game over

Can’t even imagine in warthunder having 3 kv220 in a squad Fighting 3 tiger 1

I think at the mid BR between 6 -8 ,certainly 6-7 Heavy tanks when uptierd become useless.Only saved by an very good player.They exist to offer crew protection but in an uptier with much more modern vehicles they offer little to no protection.Same issue Iraq had when facing the modern NATO tanks with older Russian kit.Its a simple concept.

The BR system is the same throughout the game but it gets away with it at lower BRs mostly but where WW2 meet tanks from 10,20,30 years later BR faults become very hard to ignore.

Overnight your armour of 200mm is facing pen power of 300mm where as at “WW2” BR Armour thickness and enemy penetration capabilities are on par in a neck to neck race.So the IS2 CAN 205 mm or there about and the top German like the JT or Ferdinand have armour of 200mm so the game is on,its fair ,it demand tactics,good shooting ,a little battle between the players which may be fun.Then along comes the 7.7 beast with 300mm of pen and boom you are dead,good bye! no fun ,WTF etc etc

That is the issue or a big issue anyway for many.


The developer balances the vehicles so that the average kd is 1. Therefore, heavy tanks die from a one shot like light vehicles.

For the publisher, the fact that you don’t have armor, recon speed and artillery is a nuance.

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What I say and what you understand are very different. Please read my comment again and don’t make people laugh at you. Wot impostor huh? I saved that quote, it is a nice one.

Are you aware of what people are talking about? And do you have an index solution for these complaints? Please don’t tell me “you have armor, you have weapons, it’s a matter of skill.” Everyone shoots average. Everyone dies on average in this game. The issue being talked about here is that all tanks are the same and this bothers heavy tank players. The things talked about are very different. I hope I was able to explain this to you.

Would you believe me? I played the game called wot for about a week and immediately deleted it. I just don’t want the same thing to happen to War Thunder. And believe me, I write these to make the game better.

The first half of your post, perfectly explains what happened to historical events and why Gaijin stopped doing them.

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I can,cause Tiger overpressures the KV-220 into breech meanwhile angled Tiger doesnt easily get penned by KV-220. So my bet is on Tigers.

Maybe you should try Japan 6.0-7.0
The Armor of a Heavy is pretty bad in warthunder
But it still gives a couple of advantages compared to Light and medium tanks

Protection against mg and some autocannons

Being slow also means more situational awareness and more stable gun meaning you get the first shot off

Being a Heavy means unless the heat throwers everything else still needs to aim
So do tanks with low caliber heat

Ligh tanks need to move alot to survive if they are getting shot by anything they are most probably dead

And there is a reason why heavys pretty much died in the cold war


No it’s because my best performing tanks are overproportionally heavy tanks.

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What BR would you say is fair for the Tiger II(p), T34(USA), Tiger H1?