Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

Me staring down the maus in my Strv 74 lol

M4A3E2 lmao

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And the Nuke Boss planes aren’t?

Never said they weren’t but this discussion is about heavy tanks not planes.

As of right now, no single OP tank even in the hands of a good player can turn the tide of battle because a single direct hit with a 250lb bomb can destroy virtually any heavy tank in the game and if you think right now CAS players are a nuasance, you can immagine the conga line of several ground attack planes bee-lining to kill it as soon as they see it has killed someone in the kill feed.
And if the enemy team has air superiority AND has several heavy tanks spawned, then the game is already lost anyway.

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“Boss” is a strong word for them when they’re made out of papier-mâche at pretty much every tier, don’t get countermeasures, and their presence is announced…

Really, try flying out a B-29 at lowest possible nuke BRs against 262s that it gets to fight… Ridiculous.

What if Gaijin introduce boss tanks for 10,000 SL a go ? Can you imagine that being attractive to Gaijin.

Or a nice boss tank pack for only 5OO GE …bargain.Does it seem like it would never happen now?

Also the idea of the Behemoth’s work in Battlefield just fine, they aren’t unkillable, But they do give a team that is already doing well, a edge over the other.

But they can still be destroyed.

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They would give a good player in a bad team some hope as well.

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Those simply end the game and are easily counterable.


please dont give them ideas


I remember the days before pay per view on sky so these companies are well aware of how to wring more money from the players. I would expect more paywalls soon and the public will lap it up like they did when they suddenly had to pay to watch Mike Tyson fight after already paying for Sky which they had only subscribed to for the Boxing in the first place.

sometimes I wonder why gaijin doesn’t listen to its playerbase and then i see posts like these lol


If a Tiger II manages to get killed by a T-34/76 that player would be so unbelievably bad. I would go find them irl, take them out for some coffee and kindly but seriously urge them to reconsider their life choices that led to that moment.

Nuke planes are an air supremacy check more than anything. Shooting them down is trivial.

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Give me my tog2 at 4.3 and the other team will cease to exist.

It’s so sad how bombers become an obsolute joke to 20mm HE rounds.

One time I shot down two B-29s in one game with a Spitfire Mk 24.

Another time I sprayed at one from below from like 2-1.1.5km and shot off his wing with default ammo belt.

He said: You hit me like once and my wing broke off.

Then there was also the time where I shot off the wing of a PB4Y-2, with just stock belts in a Bf 109 G-14. I shot like 60rds of 20mm ammo approaching from the front and side.

When a Me 262 goes for a B-29 you can just see how the bomber turns into a giant fireball from a distance.


Short explaination is balance.

You play with sweats and tryhards. The second somthing is OP there is no reason to take something else.

Full lobbys of say the heaviest tank you can get on both sides. No expection.
You could implement a system where only a few of said heavys can be taken but then you will have people leave and abuse the system because of the “I want” mentalety.

What would a agme in RB look if only 4 people could take the tiger 2 or IS2 on ach team on 16 vs 16 matches? Would you stay in match if you could nto play the the super heavy?
What if it was RNG systemt that pics who can and who cant?
What if they remove all heavys?
Would the mediums then not become the heavys?
What about a second RP resource for each match where lats say a heavy costs 500 points, each match has per side 2000 heavy RP points. One a heavy dies the points are going back. The dead player cant spawn again in this match in heavy some else has the chance to jump in one.

You cant make every one happy so make every one unhappy?


Ew, they are already slow and you want players to get them later in the Match? Lmao

Heavies were 450 SP in full downtier before gaijin lowered the overall SP required for spawning