Why are Heavy Tanks not allowed to actually function as HEAVY TANKS?

All of them that aren’t German or Russian?

Ever notice that the Only properly tiered Heavies are Russian and German?

Kinda funny isn’t it?


Getting nukes in a full uptier using thé Jumbo is still very much possible. Some heavies just have better BR’s than others. The only problem currently is ‘modern’ and 1960s+ light tanks with heat fighting late WW2 heavy tanks that would otherwise be extremely dominant on the battlefield like in 2015. For GRB I mean. In GAB heavy tanks are still very meta.

British heavies are in a pickle however… They have some major weakspots that due to the close range aspect of WT can be easily used by most tanks in the game to disable them.


What’s weird is that heavy tanks have been the worst vehicles in the game for some time and the least meta choice, yet always had the highest spawncosts, no drones, no scouting, no artillery which are reserved for the most meta vehicles for some reason, as light tanks really need that.


This is ironic since the best 6.7 Heavy Tank, from my 6000 hours of experience, is the American T26E5 lol


That tank is extremely strong in the current meta yeah.


Panzer IV of the Churchill’s BR your talking about have the long 75mm, which has more than enough to pen a Churchill with a decently placed shot.


theres a reason why heavy tanks arent a thing anymore and you are experiencing it in WT


Very well put


AB might dictate that, given that LTs are absolute ass in it and AB is the most popular.

Thank you for narrowing it down so much. That helps none with possibly assisting you.


Yeah, somehow they cannot manage more than one mode at a time.


Personally, I would put the Tiger II H above the T26E5 at long range, but in medium/close range situations the T26E5 is incredible.

They are usually much harder to kill than medium tanks. Which ones do you find particularly easy to kill?


I mean true, but they should still have weakspots that you have to know to aim for. No tank in the game should be 100% frontally invulnerable.


This all stems from the devs’ obnoxious insistence that all vehicles should be able to frontally duel with anything they meet, basically. It’s slightly less bad in AB for a variety of reasons, but even in AB heavy tanks underperform and light tanks overperform (even if with a narrower margin than RB).

As a general rule of thumb, and emphasis on not being about specific vehicles:

  • heavy tanks should be frontally immune to light tanks

  • medium tanks vary but generally should require weak points to frontally pen a heavy

  • TDs should be able to frontally pen a heavy pretty much without issue

  • (light tanks should require hitting weakpoints against mediums)

  • (SPAA shouldn’t be penning nearly anything)

It’s already been said, but light tanks already get every single advantage that isn’t armour (even “artificial” ones like scouting, arty, and in RB spawn points), and all of those benefits are things that basically can’t be negated. Heavies, on the other hand, lose all of that for armour… which means as soon as they don’t have that they’re simply, at best, bad medium tanks.


There isn’t much of an issue with heavy tanks in this game, people just want to pick the easy class that doesn’t take much skill (if the changes were made) that also doesn’t spawn but 50sp more than the meds/lights they’re complaining about. I can’t think of many heavy tanks I don’t find to be pretty decent for their BR at minimum besides the exceptions like 7.7 ones who even there arent that bad


Did you angle today?


Excuse me what the fuck-

Also this entire thing is invalidated by like
Literally anything lol

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Historicity has nothing to do with why they aren’t any good in WT.

The answer is that they are not fighting against their historical opponents - pure and simple.

All vehicles in WT are rated by BR and a matchmaking system that seeks to put them with and against peers and near-peers… historically they were good against opponents that were not near-peers, but they don’t see those.


Thankfully Gaijn is sane and does this, otherwise we would have like
Pbv 301 at 9.0 or some bs lol


And? bullshit Light tanks like that shouldn’t be stomping much older tanks that don’t realistically stand a chance against it.