Why are Fast Wheeled vehicle physics so inconsistent?

I recently started playing the U-SH 204 GK and U-SH 405 again, and it all came crashing back—literally. Trying to go fast in a wheeled vehicle in War Thunder is like defusing a bomb with a rusty screwdriver. Every random piece of ground debris either grinds you to a halt or sends you flying, only to lose ALL your speed again. What’s the point of playing a wheeled vehicle for “mobility” if you’re just playing Russian roulette with every damn bump on the map?

For Christ’s sake, has anyone ever heard of suspension? You know, the thing that’s supposed to absorb and smooth out bumps, making the ride more comfortable and, I don’t know, keeping the vehicle from suddenly spiraling into a death roll?

Do wheeled vehicles even have suspension modeled, or is it just a permanently placed hitbox? Is this a bug?

I need answers as to why I keep getting launched into the stratosphere just by driving on what’s supposed to be a “flat” map. Hitting a random slight bump makes my vehicle go “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA—”

Same thing with every other wheeled vehicle I’ve played.


Or actually what is going on with war thunders physics in general?


I know what you mean. Wheeled stuff in WT is just odd tbh. Take the Fox for example. if you hit something at 60mph you nearly always almost flip.

and if its not the flipping and feeling like the tank has nothing in the way of suspention then its the wheeled tanks that should be faster off road than they are in game.

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all I know is that for some strange reason - Wheeled vehicles acceleration and power have been nerfed!

Puma sdk is no where near as fast.
Yag - That thing is soooooo bad now it cant even get half way across the maps on numerous occassions before theres a plane up and kills you!

Utter rediculous imo!

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The fast Italian Fiats at 6.7 are weird.They are like V8 powered Land rovers on hard ground but become heavy and sluggish in snow.Like the Power to weight just changes with the weather or even going up hill.
Bad unnatural physics got me killed so many times

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I was in a ush-204gk going 65km/h, and i hit a stick on the road and it launched me into a building then made me flip 24 times. like, a fricking twig shouldn’t do that, suspension excists!

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Yeah, I have driven military vehicles for real.I also owned a number of land rovers with all sorts of silly engines and they don’t behave the way fast light vehicles do in this game.
I think the Devs need to go on some team building days doing military vehicle driving or just off road.
Odd really because there are so many great games out that have got this right and many are years old now.I’m taking PS2 games .We don’t even get dusty or muddy in this game