12.7 will be fine if ALR-67&TCS(full implementation, not like in wt) and other stuff added, so will be F-14A late.
With ALR-45 it will be not really good to play BVR, when in WVR you will die to first IRCCM IR missile
should. from what i’ve experienced in RB, the opposite is true. In fact, ST is inferior to 7F, a “worse” version of the 7M. In my experience, with the only mitigating factor being ST has better acceleration off the rails.
Definitely feels that way anyway.
Unless u don’t have a good rwr like the mirage f1c or the j35xs both of which fight the f14 every game. Then ur shit out of luck?
I disagree. Anything with gen 4 flight performance has no business meeting 11.3 planes. Even if you remove the 54, the F-14A should never get in the same match as a F4E.
Give it 9L, bump it to 12.7. Give 9M to the B, bump it 13.0.
7F and 7M have the exact same performance ingame.
No idea how the ST works tho, I’m working my way up to the Tornado F3 because I’m very curious about their performance. Can you hit 15-20km shots with them the same way the 7F can ? My biggest issue with the basic skyflash is how hitting anything past 8km is almost impossible.
The MiG-23ML/D/A are pretty damn close to Gen 4 FM at 11.7. M2K also exists at 12.3. What I’m trying to say is that FM isn’t the only thing that matters when it comes to balancing.
The F-14A isn’t really 12.7 material without some additional tweaks. It doesn’t have all an aspect radar, no all aspect IR missiles, very outdated RWR, very slow acceleration (similar to Phantoms), and it has a very hot engine that makes even the R-60 sometimes feel like it has IRCCM.
Good idea
Eh, since the nerf of the Mig23, I really don’t see them as 12.0+ materials. The FM nerf has been really harsh on the ML/A. The D is better but the radar nerf didn’t help.
And I also consider M2K undertiered by the way. Maybe not the S4 because the countermeasures nerf has been really harsh on it.
I don’t consider the MiG-23MLs 12.0 material but its FM is still cracked as long as you know how to use manual swept wing. The nerf was only harsh if the wings were folded, if the wings are extended it still rates like crazy.
two planes suffer because of their disadvantages. Also, the J35 is overtiered.