Who do you even counter U-SH 405?


After 9,325 Realistic Ground battles with a 5.5M score, I still can’t understand or comprehend the counter to this. The only so-called ‘deterrence’—CAS—doesn’t really deter it. This thing has a gigantic damage output in milliseconds, is resistant to 14mm rounds, and leaves you with just your cannon. Even then, you have to check three boxes: react in time, actually spot the target, and hope your cannon doesn’t get shredded. This is literally a super rat


Simply put. Check corners before you drive out. And second Once they start opening up on you give up.

If its a Ush MG it, or throw HE at it, If you have time. You cant run, You can maybe hide

Fear the Unimog with Oerlikon turret. Its the R3 T20 On crack

All hail Landsverk

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You don’t deal with them. You’re only hope is to catch them off guard, otherwise you’re just going to accept your fate.

The USH is pretty awful.
To start, it is incredibly unstable. Any movement cause the targeting to bounce all over the place. When you stop your suspension takes ages to settle. It essentially has to be stopped before something rounds the corner or you are missing at least half your shots.
Then the fact it has 18 shots and nearly never kills with only 1 or 2. they have tiny explosive charges for HEAT shells and will often fail to kill a crew with a direct hit. They also have a lot of drop and only 300 pen, which is about as low as you can get with HEAT rounds at that BR.
Finally, its not resistant to 14.5s. Its not even resistant to .50s. it has 10mm of armor and 2 crew. Its literally the easiest thing in the game to kill. You pen ANYWHERE and its dead.

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if they shoot first, you dont
on one of my match a raket rush spawn and he kill SIX PEOPLE, SIX, HE JUST
BAM BAM BAM, thats 3 and then BAM BAM BAM, another 3. 1 T-90M, 3 T-80s, 1 light tank and 1 spaa
he just kill
he got 14 kills in the end of the match, with only the raket

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what i usually do is step 1 : die step: 2 break my keyboard step 3: spawn in a plane and drop all my bomb on them, straff them, and crash my plane into them.

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In my experience i usually lol-pen stuff anyway, And I usually aim at central mass or ammo. You CAN take people out with 1 shot you just have to play a kindoff sniper role. Or you send it and laugh your ass off and get 3-4 kills As long as you dont try to break you can just release W and it will slow down, and the stabilization of the gun isnt that bad when you have a full auto AT rifle

careful where you push, HMG it if you see it, even 7mms can pen it at certain angles

if its peaking a hill its ammo goes above it before the barrels

or just wait for it to run out of ammo against an ally, it hasn’t got much, especially for its rate of fire