White it's mid-tier British SPAA so dismal?

Compared to German and other nations the BR5 to 6 stuff is rather mediocre.
They all seem to have either a good gun(s) that’s then gimped by not having full rotation, limited clips or very short ammo supplies. Plus very exposed crews. (My Ystervark has been blown up from arty hits that were nowhere near me).

… otherwise they get lots of ammo and some armour but very poor guns (the Crusaders).

There just doesn’t seem to be anything in this BR that can fend off by the increasing numbers of fighter bombers that are in plague numbers.(I don’t fly).

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If you take some time and get to the higher BR Spitfires or Typhoons (yeah it requires grinding air), they are AMAZING CAP planes, and will serve you much better than low tier SPAA.

Whilst I completely agree… There is a “but” in there. CAP costs 8x more than SPAA to spawn in. Not ideal.

The fact we have 2x 5.3, 3x 8.3 and 4x 10.3 (with another 10.3 ish confirmed to be coming at some point) it is crazy we have the voids we do have.


Yeah, that’s unfortunate.

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We have to rely on CAP instead of SPAA. basically take a high tier spitfire and be the Anti-CAS from their own domain of the skies. We shouldnt have to but we dominate with it.

We need spaa gaps filled but what do we get? another 10.3 spaa, twice

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If you’re grinding ground trees, you want your RP to go to ground vehicles.

Flying a plane means all the score you earn and time you spend shooting enemy planes will go to unlocking new planes and given you’re flying CAP - you’d be better served flying ARB in terms of rewards.

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We very much need an SPAA in the 6.0-7.7 range. I enjoy playing at 7.7 and having to use a Skink for my anti aircraft work just doesn’t cut it.

Yes I could use the Spitfire but there should really be a viable SPAA.


That is true but the spitfires and typhoons are incredible. They are the only planes I would say that are worth the grind for ground realistic battles other than certain Japanese zeros. But I also haven’t really played anything other than them in ground realistic anyway lol

I never bothered with the British Skink. The US version looks good on paper with its quad cannons and armour but it’s not at all effective at anything further than 200m away, especially with the faster stuff appearing in that rank.

I mean ill take Britain’s 5.3 SPAA they dont want or their 8.3 SPAA if its so abysmal to use. One day gaijin will add an entire nation of just spaa as far as the eye can see