Which nations to choose from?

I think Russia has the best overall experience at the moment.

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Germany and USA are obvious recommendations.

2nd recommendation is Britain and France as middle sized tech trees.

Bonus recommendation is Sweden, because its 2nd and 3rd rank start at very low BR (1.7 and 2.7), so you can use them for battle tasks pretty fast.

For consideration- Currently there is Italian Rank 2 premium in warbond shop, that could help you kickstart Italy. Italy has a lot of its own vehicles at lower ranks, so its worth exploring a bit.

Actually, I am not that convinced to the China, their top tier is not that good and well, some tanks just have many cons. I would like you to give me an opinion or compare these 4 nations: China, Sweden, France and Italy (these 4 looks good in my opinion and I think that they will be good). Remember about the airforce because it’s also important.

More vehicles are also coming in game because of the next update “Alpha Strike” and from what I see, there will be many Italy vehicles here.


Im struggling with trying to make USA tanks work.
And im sick and tired of listening “get good”, “skill issue”, “USA is meant for flanking”.

SURE. Especially in Arcade mode, where there is no flanking because all the time everyone with line of sight has your tank marked.

As for now, my experience with USA looks like this: Choose tank, meet russian/German tank, not pen him, die.
And dont get started with “you have to aim with US tanks”. Its a freking Arcade, if i have to aim and russian IS/T34-85 player lolpens me everywhere - he has the advantage. Hugging the hills? What for, russian/german player lolpens USA turret, dont need anything else.

Plus there is a ton of lvl 100 Marshalls, with tens of thousands games under their belt playing exclusively low BR’s. This guys just rolfstomp everybody. Surprise, surprise, they usually play German or Russian tanks.

Dont get me wrong, i see the advantages of USA tanks. But in AB they are mostly nullified.

This is the opinion of very beginner player. I play for maybe a month and im pretty sure my stats are abysmal. And i am really beginning to despise USA tanks. I have a strong feeling that the only thing they are good at is being 1-shoted.

Oh. And i have a strong feeling that i usually play vs 7.7

6.0 - 6.3 was quite fun though, with M41A1, T25, M109 and sometimes 76 Jumbo.

They are recommended simply because USA, Germany and USSR are the core of the game, other nations just use tanks of these 3 with a sprinkle of their own. So the USA tree is big and with their own unique vehicles, thats why its worth exploring.

Regarding their viability in AB, I have no clue, I play RB only. And yeah, the game has a rough learning curve, so lower ranks were a pain for me as well, when I first started with War Thunder.

I started with USA and got frustrated with them as well, then I started playing USSR and Germany eventually and thanks to that I found out their weaknesses by missing, what I took for granted with USA tanks.

I read tank descriptions, try to learn pros and cons. I see advantages of USA tanks - like gun depression, fast reload, usually at least good mobility.
But AB’s are very fast paced and usually, in my current BR its just full of Tiger II’s. Those guys just ride forward and 1-shot my USA stuff.

Im checking players in both teams - and top ones are 80% Germany or Russia. Its the same in AB air battles. USA planes are just plain shit with their lack on 20mm and not being able to dogfight like other nations.

And once again, don get me wrong - i am a new player. I KNOW about flanking in ground battles, Boom and Zoom in air. But in AB mode its just not working because of “easy mode” mechanics. IMO USA light tanks are awesome. I enjoy playing them - but in AB the moment i try to shoot someone - i die, becasue people know where i am all the time. Sometimes its just pure rage when i expose tiny bit of my LT to shoot some enemy and 2 seconds later im killed by some guy 1200 meters away who was just waiting for me.

Ground AB is all about strong guns and good armor, air is all about good armament and ability to turnfight.

Too bad, i would not like to start some other nation “from the scratch”. And as a new player if freaking afraid to even try RB.

2nd rank is where nations usually start to show their “personalities” and it doesn’t take long to reach 2nd rank, so I suggest to give other nations a go at least to 2nd rank. When I was trying other nations, I especially liked 1st and 2nd rank of Britain.

I would try RB as well, if I were you. Its not like people play better there, its the same skill distribution as in AB, its slower and you have to look for tanks, but others have to look for you as well. Other than that its not much different.

Well on Reddit Realistic are described like “camping for 15 minutes, seeing shit, being killed by someone hiding in the bush”. Or having bushes on his tank.

Thats why i avoided this mode so far. And because there is no “aim assist” there so i pictured myself as a guy that flanks the enemy and then misses 5 shots becasue of range ;)
Thats why i avoided this mode so far.

But also people say, that this is a mode when you can ambush, flank and such - and those are good for USA tanks.

Thank you for your advice, i may give RB’s a shot.

You really shouldn’t fixate on checking the statcards of everyone you face/that kills you as it’s wasting your time, energy and your sanity.

That negative thought makes a LOT of people upset and angry at everything rather than actually understanding why they died, and how to avoid that.

I was close to uninstalling today ;)
Just a long streak of losses where i could do nothing with those USA tanks.

Why i die? Usually because some enemy even looks at me :) One and only armored tank in USA tech tree so far was Jumbo (of not downtiered).

I already noticed, that 90% of AB players blindly go to A and fight enemies head on. But again, trying to flank the enemy does nothing becasue someone decided that if you are in enemy field of view - you are spotted and everyone can see you on the minimap.

Its very hard to stay positive about the game while playing land AB with USA. Hell, even planes are easier, because i can join the furball and shoot someone down ;)

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You REALLY want to squad and you REALLY want to find people that actually enjoy the game, not get cut up on the ‘enemy’ getting them, or the game being the fault.

With you not getting kills, don’t worry too much about that, just try not to be so fixated on getting that kill that you end up killed.

But yea, hope you have some more luck, and find some better company to hang with. Squading often changes everything.

((Edit - Also RB tanks removes those markers a lot, so that could be something for you to look to migrate to. No limit of spawns, just gotta get the SP to keep going.))

I know the game is old. And it has a lot of veteran players, so its not easy to be a newbie.
I just dont like to be a burden for my team, and i often feel like one.
I think my stats are hopeless and this is not a game for old guy like me ;)

On the other hand - grinding stock tanks in this game is hard as hell. They are slow, clumsy, dont pen a shit, downtiered cant do virtually nothing. When i research some of the modules it gets a little bit easier to actually be an asset for my teammates.
At least i think so, dont know if there is some kind of place to check how big noob i am compared to other people.

And again - thank you for this discussion and encouragment. Usually those topics are full of game veterans patronising other players.

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I suggest playing Italy, fast past gameplay with lots of wheeled vehicles. The APHE Italians use are also very powerful. If you are used to USSR gun handling and APHE preformance, try italy. My 3rd most played nation after USSR and China.

I would also like to hear an opinion about Italy, France and Sweden. I am still thinking about these 3 nations and they might get new good planes next update. I am aiming for strong (good firepower for sure) tanks and good airforce (manouverable planes). If you can like compare them and describe them shortly. The main “fight” for me is between Sweden and French, they both have very good tanks and airforce.

Sweden. Sweden is going to grow a lot as a tech tree in the next few years, and it is already very strong (basically Germany at top tier, but stronger). Plus, if you don’t like Sweden, it’s not a very long grind and you can always change it up if you don’t like it.

France is interesting, but imo they just don’t have anything amazing at the moment. Sweden definitely has much stronger MBTs and top-tier CAS, while France is probably stronger than Sweden in the mid-tiers. France will take a lot longer to grind out though because the Tech tree is pretty well filled out.

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Alright then, I will go for Sweden and if I won’t like it, I will just go with France. Thanks man

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Just play them all. You aren’t in a hurry. There is no “finish” to this game.

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Well. After last 2 evenings im close to uninstalling.

Being 1 shoted constantly by - 1.0 BR russian meds, constantly playing vs 7.7, where i can do SHIT as a 6.7. Is it just my imagination or 6.7 is some kind of cursed BR? Like tier 7 in WoT constantly playing vs at least tier 8, because on 8 there are best money printers available.

Oh, IS-3 is coming, i can do crap, he just lolpens me anywhere. Virtually anywhere, so far i havent survived even 1 shot.
Oh, T44-100 is coming, why the hell is he faster than my light tank? And he lolpens, as russian tanks do.

On the other hand, when from time to time its max 6.7 - 7.0 game, USA 6.7 shitcans are still 1-shotted by 5.7 tanks. I stopped playing WoT because i refuse to spend my time playing a game i dont enjoy. And looks like its the same here in WT. Maybe even worse, in WoT very good players usually play highest tiers or max premium tier to grind money. In WT there are lots of guys with 10k+ games exclusively on max era 4 vehicles.

I avoid 6.3-8.7 like the plague. The only vehicles I have a decent time with are the Tiger IIs, IS-3/T-10A and the later centurions.

Firstly, this forum is primarily a place for those who play Realistic. Where they can bitch about how bad they have it and how much they hate WT and Gaijin.
You won’t find many Arcade players here. Probably because we generally just like the game and have a great time with it, and don’t really have that much to complain about.

Secondly, all the tech trees are great. Period - except for the British one, which is hopeless! They have different strengths, but the main difference is that it’s different which BR range they excel in.

You’re right that US has a really strong 6.3 lineup, also because so many people play Tigers and Panthers, so you’re going to get downtiered a lot.

I actually think the US 7.7 lineup is pretty good, and 8.3 is really good.

I would suggest joining one or more Arcade Squadrons on Discord. Find someone who is active at the same time as you are playing and just jump into Voice Chat and squad up with us.
It’s both the best and the most fun way to get better at the game.

For example:
I know Discord is looking for more members.
Discord, which I’m a part of, often has people playing together.
Discord has many from Australia and is quite active.

And many others. You can often find the Discord address in Squadron info.