Which nation should i choose?

I’m confused. Let me explain.

I grinded USA 5.7 BR then i switched to Sweden because USA felt like i got 1 shot from anywhere.
I grinded Sweden 5.7 BR too. It was perfect until Tigers, Panthers showed up. Only thing i have is 100mm pen round which does nothing to these tanks.

Now, i’m just stuck. I started to grind Italy. It feels good actually, fun. Not too great but fun at least.

What should i do? Should i grind Germany, France, China or etc?

I have 50-60 hours btw.

German is pretty fun. Good tanks and planes. A little lack luster in the light tank department but overalls pretty good.

France is also pretty fun. The autoloaders are very nice, but idk how they faired in the new update. 5.0-6.0 is extremely good. Only main downside is CAS is limited if you like to use CAS and it’s mostly solid shot except for some US stuff in the mid tiers


US got pretty good air across the board, especially top tier air. US ground is pretty decent but kinda whacky at top tier. Sweden got the best top tier air and ground, their mid tier is a pain to grind tho so you kinda need premium to get thru it. Russia ground is just holding W and Russia air is okay I guess, they got good missile but their radar and rwr sucks.


Thanks for all advice.

In conclusion, what is the best pick for me? Should i stay in Italy or move to France, Germany as u guys said?

I don’t want to die instantly but don’t want to be slow either. I want to face Tigers, Panthers without fear. In US and Sweden, i saw them before they saw me, i shot them several times but can’t do any damage because of the round. So they just click me and kill me with 1 shot. They even don’t need to know where to shoot me, any angle kills me instantly.

Maybe it’s just skill issue. Probably is.

I mean that’s really up to you in the end. If you’re having fun playing the TT’s you have already started stick with those and just play what you find is fun. The grind is more of a side hustle. Just play for fun and the grind goes by a lot faster and easier.

Like I said just play what you find is fun for you. You said your liking Italy rn then just keep playing that rn because you are having fun and that’s most important. Once you start getting bored or frustrated with it go ahead and switch to another nation, either one you already started are just start a new one. If you do start a new one I’d recommend German as it is quite fun.

Well if your not afraid of these then your a fool. If your not afraid of any tank your a fool. Any tank that is alive has the possibility to kill you (with certain expectations of course but hopefully you got the point).

Maybe. If your just getting to those BR’s where you start seeing those then it’s just you not knowing where to shoot them yet. Try going back and playing those BR’s again and you’ll learn over time where to shoot them. When you start a new nation you see the same tanks you’ve already seen before so know how to fight them, so it’s easier to fight them rather than something you’ve not seen before.

In the end, play for fun. So if you find Italy fun right now that’s what I say you should stick with. Then when it isn’t fun for you anymore go to the next thing that is fun.

Hope that helps :)

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While britain won’t satisfy your need for survival - you will die if the enemy notices you and has time to shoot you properly. Still, with some angling you can bounce some shots once you’re at the sherman.

However, what britain will give you instead is lolpen. I have faced kvs and panthers and tigers head-on in my firefly and won because that thing is a monster if you can hit weakspots. It will not one hit kill, oh no. It will slowly torture the enemy by first taking out the gunner, then destroying the cannon/breach and finally murdering the replacement gunner or driver crew.

Early/low BR britain is painful though, as you use solid shot and you lack the caliber to have enough spalling to properly rake your enemies. However, starting with Cromwell I, the fun begins. Currently my line-up is an achilles, a firefly, a sherman 2 and a cromwell (supported by CAP spit F Mk IX) and I seem to do fine even in uptiers despite the large BR gap between 4.7 firefly and 3.7 cromwell.

Brits are very good at penetration. Achilles/Avenger (souped up achilles) and firefly.

As a bonus, the torture that is early british grind means you get far more consistent wins than you do with germany or u.s, as I feel my teams work together much more than when I roll around in my pz4s and vk3002.

And as a bonus, it really forces you to learn where ammo racks, gunners and all that are. This makes playing other nations much easier.

For your current choices, italy in air WW2 tends to have very nice teams. Consistently, whenever I get italian air teammates my matches go swimmingly. They communicate, they work together, they cover your six and they climb to altitude. Italy, being bit of a joke of WW2, kinda avoids people going to it based on history channel myths.

Playing as germany out of your choices… the tanks are awesome, but are ill-suited for many of the maps as you got non-existent side armour, no stabilizer, bad reverse speed and horrible turret rotation - a terrible combo for corner peeking. Plus, you gotta contend with wehraboos who ignore all this and suicide into the enemy because the tiger should be immortal, right?

So! Stick with italy, or give minor nations like britain or france a try.

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Snag the m36 Jackson (can pen tiger when angled, and disable whole panther turret crew and gun with one turret cheeks shot, ok mobility)
M18 Hellcat (insane mobility, 76mm, very weak armor, can scout)
M4A3E2 "Jumbo’s (decent mobility for a heavy, largely immune to tiger, resistance to panther shots, but you need to get side shots on panthers and tiger with APHE or use APCR on unagled tiger and panther turret)

Other tanks like like m4a3 76w can present a decent enough middle ground if you take time to learn how to use them at the BR, and the m4 t26 is a very good option if you want to frontally beat tigers almost every time and disable panthers from firing consistently.

As for CAS, there’s lots of great options, F4U-4B is a solid pick, so is AM-1. Use whatever you do best with for CAS

Good luck, don’t give up

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Hey @projectile_inval1 don’t keep us in suspense! What did you choose?

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All of you guys said great things. Thank you all. So i will probably just try all because i couldn’t decide. Hard to choose.

First, trying Italy now. A bit challenging at lowest tier but no harm to try.
If i don’t like it, i’ll just try UK. Solid shots scares me a bit because i experienced it in USA.
Then maybe France, not sure. It’s very hard to choose actually.

I’m probably just expecting too much things from 1 nation. Beginner issues. I hope i don’t quit, game is fun when playing well.

For all the BS that goes on in this community, it’s nice to see that there are still good people.

Sounds fun!

Luckily the solid shot in Britain is better than the one in the US TT and actually has decent pen and spalling thanks to it having ballistic caps.

Depends on what your expecting. These days you can get alot of different things from one nation thanks to C&P vehicles.

Hey, add me in game and if you ever see me on and want someone to squad up with to make the grind more bearable then I’ll be down to help. I’d hate for you to quit this game. It’s really fun, and even better with friends

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Early britain will be a challenge, but crusaders are fun and once you get to the cromwells, the fun will begin.

I’d avoid the heavy tank/churchill line. They’re slow, and while hard to pen, they cannot really fight back. The tank-destroyer line stars… interesting - archer has the gun mounted backwards. It’s something I chose to skip. Achilles and Avenger turned the TD line around and became a lot of fun.

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The Strv m42 DT with 3sec reload (allowing for a fast five-round burst), and Pvkv m/43 (1963) with APDS of 220mm pen, make short work of Tigers and Panthers. Love them, especially hull down with the PvKv m/43, it used to bounce shots if you were angled for some reason.

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Thanks all again guys. I’ll listen you all and try everything that told. Italy, British and Sweden again with APDS. Last France maybe. Thanks for all the advice. Maybe i’ll update here.

Noted that each nation has it’s own play style and perks, also their strength are in different BR, so let’s say US 7.0 GRB is amazing, but it’s crap on 8.3-8.7.
Assuming ground power + Close air support across all BR range, we have the following matrix

Pure ground power: Strength of ground vehicle
Close air support (CAS): Strength of air to ground
Anti air efficiency: Strength of AA
Variety of vehicles: Prevalence of interesting and fun vehicle with different purposes
*Difficulty: Skill it takes to get a grab on.

  • USA:
    Pure ground power: ★★☆☆☆
    Close air support: ★★★★★
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★★☆
    *Difficulty: ★★★★☆
    Comment: Not the easiest to handle, albiet tons of ppl love the US for a reason. Plenty of interesting stuff, and the strength of US is majorly in the air, which more or less takes skill and time to grind/handle.

  • USSR:
    Pure ground power: ★★★★☆
    Close air support: ★★★★☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★★☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★★☆
    *Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
    Comment: OP on top tier and need to be fixed, but otherwise it is still above average. really competitive ground force that’s easy to use, not the best but still competitive CAS, AAs are mostly decent across all BR range. You don’t have to play CAS with USSR, but it worth the grind.

  • Germany:
    Pure ground power: ★★★★★
    Close air support: ★★☆☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★★★
    Variety of vehicles:★★★☆☆
    *Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
    Comment:Just smash into what ever you see. One of the strongest ground force and best AA across the board. CAS is not good but at certain BR you would occasionally have good CAS plane. A bit harder than USSR (Cuz you need to be good at AA).

  • UK:
    Pure ground power: ★★★☆☆
    Close air support: ★★★☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★★☆
    *Difficulty: ★★★★★
    Comment: UK is well-balanced or maybe slightly underwhelming, but it has its own perks like high pen APDS in WW2 bracket and early on stabilizer. It is however one of the most challenging nation to play due to its unique strength, not recommended for newbies.

  • Japan:
    Pure ground power: ★★★★☆
    Close air support: ★☆☆☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★★☆
    Variety of vehicles:★☆☆☆☆
    *Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
    Comment: Japan straight up has some of the best or even OP vehicle of its tier, this applies all across the board. It however is notoriously lacking lineup, especially CAS planes. It also does not have that much of interesting vehicle to play with.

  • China:
    Pure ground power: ★★★☆☆
    Close air support: ★★★☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★☆☆
    *Difficulty: ★★★★☆
    Comment: China is just very average to be honest. That means it does not suffer from any drawback, nor the other way around. It does however, has its own unique vehicle and experiences that you won’t get from any other one, so people still go for the special oriental taste.

  • Italy:
    Pure ground power: ★★☆☆☆
    Close air support: ★★★☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★☆☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★★★
    *Difficulty: ★★★★★
    Comment: Italy is basically a meme nation with plenty of INCREDIBLY FAST vehicle. Play it if you wanna go fast, period lol. Not the best in terms of strength of course, but it’s super fun.

  • France:
    Pure ground power: ★★★☆☆
    Close air support: ★★★★★
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★★☆
    *Difficulty: ★★★★★
    Comment: France is perhaps one of the hardest, yet most powerful nation we have in WT. You trade in your stabilizer for other perks until 9.0, and it’s incredibly powerful in terms of CAS, hard to tell which is the best between US and FR. It also has a lot of unique fun vehicles.

  • Sweden:
    Pure ground power: ★★★★★
    Close air support: ★★★☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★★★☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★★★★★
    *Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
    Comment: People joked that this is a better Germany tree. It is well known for the best stock experience and more importantly, no so called bad vehicle across the board. It’s strength is mainly on the ground (one of the best) and is good all around. It also yields a ton of fun with all sorts of gremlins it has. Currently one of the best tree over all.

  • Israel:
    Pure ground power: ★★★☆☆
    Close air support: ★★☆☆☆
    Anti air efficiency: ★☆☆☆☆
    Variety of vehicles:★☆☆☆☆
    *Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
    Comment: Unless you really wanna play Israel for some reason, currently I do not recommend. The only thing worth well is probably the Merkava and nothing else.

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Thanks so much for your effort. I will definitely look at this chart when making my decision. I had left Sweden, but I wanted to start again.

Just be aware that with most Russian vehicles their gun depression is awful, so you need to plan your routes and where you can engage from. I’ve died so many times by being on a slight incline and not being able to bring the gun on target.

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I kinda experienced that with Swedish PT-76. Probably not worse like Russian but still awful. I probably won’t try Russia because of being so slow, awful depression. But never say never. Maybe i’ll try. Thanks again.

I’d say continue with America. Playing Germany/Russia won’t teach you anything since the gameplay with them is so braindead. America teaches you pretty much all the BS you could imagine.


If you got to 5.7 you more likley have reached the end of where the game is (or was) good and fun to play.After 5 BR the game dies and becomes and unplayable mix of eras. WW2 heavy tanks vs fast cold war and prop planes vs jets.Moving nations wont help.You just have to stay below 4BR to have fun or a game that makes sense.

Maybe you could stay as USA and just skip the cold war era and see if top tier is any better.It sounds like BR is the issue not the nation.Game turns to shit after 5BR

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You have far better opinions up…BUT i would try Germany if i were you…just due to THIS^^ comment.
Every vehicle in the game looks weaker when you are using it :) So whenever i am being killed by something, i try to get it so i can use it myself and learn its weaknesses…
I did it with T34, Jumbo, Tiger, King Tiger, etc…but TBH i am playing the “big three” (US, Germany, Russia) in parallel, so it is easier…

AND…Germany has a great (and fun) tree…all the way up to the King Tiger…and still going…