Which is the better t-34-85 (tier IV) or panther A?


Panther A:

Has good armour, gun, reload, optics.


Panther A, it’s not even a contest.


T-34/85 has better mobility, it accelerates very quickly, and Br-365A can deal more damage in per shot;
Panther A has better front armor and higher gun penetration, but its side armor is weaker;

T-34/85 does better in close combats around complex village or town areas such as Novorosisk or Fire Arc;
The Panther does better in open areas or urban areas that don’t need to worry about the flanks like Breslau or Mozdok.

T-34/85 by a long shot. Insane round that can pen any angle. Trolly armor that works somehow. Good mobility. It’s a one tap machine that can get into position quickly and can take a few hits. It’s insane how good the tank is.

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Depends on the map, but the Panther A has the advantage in almost every single scenario.

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Personally prefer the panter even if it has a non existing reverse.
As most russian tanks, the t34 suffers from poor gun depression, which I hate…

Except it doesn’t.

They have both completely different strengths.

Panther has very strong front armor but insanely bad reverse speed.

Panther gun has more flat pen while the T-34-85 has nearly the same angle pen and deals more damage.

Panther has better gun depression but T-34-85 has better turret traverse speed and mobility.

Panther is very good for long range combat, the T-34-85 is better at everything else.

Not sure what “everything else” means…if it is numbers, they dont make a difference in real usage…other than point blank range, Panther is better. Even at 500m if i see a Panther and a T34 i will always target the Panther…

I didn’t check stats or whatever…in real combat a Panther is harder to kill, has a more effective gun (in the sense that it kills what it aims at) and is easier to use (yes…reverse is bad, but turret can aim better and front armor is more dependable)

When i use a T34 i die a lot more to the first shot…Panther often survives first hit…
When i aim at a T34 (85mm version) i can usually aim at center mass…Panther i often have to target the turret…takes longer seconds and is less sure…IT DEPENDS on what i am using of course, but on average T34 targets require much less aiming…
(Funny as it is the reverse of T34(42) and PzIV)

BUT…it can be that i don’t know how to use T34…funny on how opinions can go to both “extremes”…