Which fighter in rank V is the best for grinding the USA tree?

F84B into F2H-2 into F86A5 into just unlocking the rest and crewing F3H-2 next is how I did it and I found it a pretty smooth experience.

I see you got f2h2 if you wanna be smooth buy f84b and leave it and use the f2h2 research the f86. Then get the f9f2. If you dont wanna go back and grind f16, p38 etc line just get the foldered f86. Sabres are nice btw then you get 2 path.

is f3h good?
i saw it had a bad turn rate
i also already have the f86a5

sorry what is the name of the sabres

F9Fs or F-84G, gun it to the F-104s or F3H.

ig ill try getting the f3h

For ARB,

I found it quite fun as a troll/vulture. Aim-7Cs are pretty bad, BUT - Nobody at 9.3, and even 10.3 expects a frontal-aspect missile launch. Furthermore, the weak motor means they don’t get a diamond telling them a missile is flying towards them either.

I kind of made it my habit in ARB while unlocking the F8U-2 to climb high, find a bomber or someone else trying to play vulture and toss a Aim-7C in their face from ~3-4 km out. This is probably the majority of my kills with this thing in ARB.

Definitely not a dogfighter though due to how slow you accelerate and lose speed at the same time. You CAN about as well as a mig-19, it just eats all your energy and leaves you vulnerable if you don’t get the kill. Being a navy plane, it also controls fairly respectable at very low speeds (but in ARB that’s death).

For ASB,

I started flying it to hunt zombers primarily, so that inflates my stats a decent bit. It has however:

  1. Amazing cockpit. You can see everything
  2. Radar with IFF to avoid wasting time chasing the wrong zomber AND avoid teamkilling zombers on your team
  3. Aforementioned radar missiles for shooting people who expect to be safe
  4. Controls nicely even without SAS on. Lack of SAS gives you a pretty tight turn at cost of energy
  5. controls well at slow speeds.

People I asked about it in lobbies for advice said the only thing you gotta fear is the ariete.
Against Yak-38s, I keep having deja-vu: Not realize I’m turning with a yak-38, it starts floating so I dive away. It fails to catch up and I get a missile kill.

I found the F-80 to be quite nice.

F86 sabre

The P-80A-5 is an amazing plane.

The F-84B-26 is complete garbage outside of CAS work.

I’ve heard the F2H-2 is good, although I’ve never played it.

Idk about the F3D

i would keep it like you and use the research boost and do afterwards the same with the left tree. But i woulod grind the tech tree with the f 104 because i use it in the german tech tree to grind every other plane. F104 gameplay is so easy just go for one or tow bases and then secrefize

i only have the f-84b but if you use it right it can be pretty good

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wtf is the p-80? and if u use them right the f-84b,f3d-1 are pretty good i haven’t tried the f2h yet tho

i myself have never tried the f-80 bc i haven’t bought the three planes before it but in my experiance the f-84b and f3d are pretty good if ur used to them and those are all i have rn anyway

Another name for the F-80.

P-80 is the original designation for the F-80. It’s pretty fast and turns very well.

ok i did not know that that’s pretty cool