Where is the proper ground ordinance for the F-15I, now that the F-15E has PW-229?

The update has dropped, and Gaijin has brought the US Strike Eagle up to par by giving the F-15E its PW-229s.

Now, where’s the F-15I’s ground ordinance so it can be at the same place as the F-15E? The Ra’am used to have the better flight performance, and the F-15E has the better ground loadout; shouldn’t both of them be performing the same now?

The Ra’am is still missing its indigenous weaponry and AGM-65s, severely hampering its attack capability while in a CAS role. The F-15I’s airframe is also ~150kgs heavier internally for some reason.

I hope that Gaijin doesn’t forget about the F-15I after buffing the F-15E.


It appears F-15I’s countermeasures are bugged too.

Says you have x120 on the airframe, with the option to mount a further x240 in the loadout (Total x360).

But in actual gameplay, you only get x120.

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its hopeless to keep on begging gaijin to add israeli munitions.we would be lucky if they even add any by next year summer.gaijin has this weird tendency to neglect adding israeli air to ground munitions which is odd due to israeli munitions not being a powercreep but still outgiving good performance.what makes it weirder is that they didnt even bother to add python 4 that has been in the game files for 1 year +.they could literally now model a popeye agm missile which would just be a gps guided missile with tv and iir seeker,they could gimp it to 30 km to not cause a powercreep + u can only carry two them,or even more realistic they could very easily model a spice 250 with an ir seeker we have ingame(even though in real life it relies on an iir/ op seeker ,it still very close) the spice 250 could easily be modeled ingame as a ir guided gbu 39 with less range and guidance time for balance


job nice bro,s

the airframe is heavier because isreal replaced the american internal electronics with their own, giving it the ability to carry Python 3 and Python 4

Well that and domestic HMS support (DASH series), new internal avionics and EW equipment, new hardpoint mounting software and modifications for Israeli A-G munitions, a new SATCOM hub behind the cockpit (not implemented in game) plus a few other bits and bobs that haven’t been modelled in game, however their only differences in WT are the presence of the ‘turkey feathers’ on the F-15I