Where is the navy event?

Yes, they are more concerned with releasing the next 2A7PLUS than starting a new decade of ships in War Thunder. Little do they know they are missing out on the opportunity to bring different audiences to War Thunder by adding incredible ships like Yamato or Bismarck (the most famous ones) either through premium packs or as top-tier in a tech tree. Considering how many ships could be added, I don’t see why they withhold this battle mode so much.

They are kinda’ running out of model-able unique vehicles… the ones that are truly unique have little of no info available, especially important modeling stuff like internal arrangements, and technical stuff like performance data of obscure weapons …

Im still waiting on a WW2 refit dreadnought or actual WW2 BB for the British TT, but yes, im kinda excited for moving naval into the 1960s/1970s at some point or the addition of subs.

Naval has its issue, not denying that (though so does air and ground) but they could be fixed with a bit of effort. Its real shame they arent willing to commit to a proper naval overhaul. I know its probably the least played gamemode. But its a catch 22. It has issues so no one plays it, because no one plays it they wont fix the issues

Which is why I think a lot of the events are Russian/Soviet or Chinese. They seem to have the most

Well that is kinda “Cherry Picked” for ONE week back in January . . . maybe something for like 6 months to a year would tell a different story

All it is is a list of games that lasted less than 8 minutes. It’s meaningless.

My guess is that they wanted to do a tank for the 80th anniversary of D-Day because that’s a big event and they want people to play it. These things are usually planned months ahead of time at least.

Objectively false. It was 10K less score per stage and 3 less stages.

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you and your common sense . . . Begone!!
Twithted Thithter

The real question is gunna be what this coming event is going to be like.

If it is a D-Day event with the reward being a Churchill AVRE for Britain. Im guessing an event score requirement of 45K/token and at least 8 tokens required

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But why would you expect that? The PLZ83-130, a rank 5, was a 35K score, 7 stage event. Why would the Churchill AVRE, a rank 3 premium, be a 45K score, 8+ stage event?

Because of the TT it would be in. Gaijin like screwing with us. Id seriously not put it past them to have a ground vehicle at the same BR /rank as the Yak-3 jsut added, but with a higher score/token requirement for “reasons”.

we’ll have to see.

You say that, but again, the PLZ83-130, a ground vehicle with a higher BR and rank than what the Churchill AVRE would be, was 35K score and 7 stages. I know Gaijin is consistently inconsistent, but it just doesn’t make sense why a rank 3 premium would be a 45K score, 8+ stage event.

Maybe it wouldnt be that high, but I can see it being exactly the same as the PLZ83. Despite it being a lower rank

I believe it will be the same as the PLZ83-130. They did say 35K was the floor.

and about 20k too high for a rank 3 vehicle if you ask me.

Id love this tank if it is the Churchill, but the thought of grinding that much in ground is giving me an aneurysm. I can just about tolerate air or naval.

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Honestly, I think Navy isn’t ready for Event vehicles yet (I know it happened already, so the line has been crossed, but this is my opinion). The tech tree we have right now is the absolute bare-bones with vastly asymmetric additions that just aren’t competitive, and event vehicles would only serve to take away from the tech tree options. Worse, I think they have gone out of the way to remove vehicles from the tech tree to make it paid vehicle before. I vividly remember trying to spade the Type T-51a at some point only for it to show up as a Battle Pass reward later on? I’m not having a mandela effect, am I?

Honestly man, doing events with 35K or 45K every two days and if you want to sell, you have to make at least 100K per day (50K per day) in ground or air battles is extremely exhausting and annoying. In naval battles, you don’t have this problem to the same extent since the score is much easier to obtain because of the amount of DAMAGE that enemy ships can withstand, providing MANY POINTS and MANY SILVER LIONS.

The thing is, they should balance the amount of points; 600k for a vehicle like the Yak-3 is not WORTH it. I would accept it if it were a variant of the Yak-15 jet and if they gave more time to grind the event. Six stages is too little time if you’re a casual and below-average player. But as I mentioned in the topic, I feel that naval battles are being neglected! You can see they no longer care about naval events, they only want to focus on ground and air vehicles. I repeat again: they are losing money and missing the chance to engage a new audience. Boats in the battle pass don’t satisfy these types of players because they want heavy cruisers and battleships that motivate them to grind their favorite nation again.

Yeah, I’m an Air SIM main. So air events are super easy. Naval isn’t that far behind, but does take a bit longer. But ground… I don’t understand how anyone ever gets it done

Events like the USS MISSISSIPPI were wonderful events! Despite the problems the servers experienced with a large number of players joining naval battles, which caused disconnections and sudden drops of several players from the match at the same time.