Where is the armor on the Namer, Gaijin...?

Insert Namer here


Don’t bother with him. I blocked him long ago for saying insane shit and stalking my posts.

I’m a bit surprised, but I suppose I’ve gotten nukes in the Gepard even at 11.7, so it’s not impossible. I’m still grinding mine.

But yeah, the sides are wrong. I showed some images that point to the sides being hollow on the model for no reason.

As seen here, you can tell that the upper sides are missing some armor since it’s hollow between the external NERA and the 50mm internal plate. There’s around 400mm LOS or so of angled composite missing.


I don’t have real data on the armor, but with 60+ tons (without turret) it should be much more protected on the sides. Furthermore, on the sides the armor has a good angle of inclination so it should be even much stronger. Gaijin should definitely fix this thing and raise it to 11 or 11.3, since Israel doesn’t have a damn 10.3 lineup and Chaparral sucks.


it should have the same armor or more than the mark 4 irl (which is lacking a lot in game ;-;)


if rise to 11 11.3 it need to be stronger then this trash

This also concerns Namer:


That is ground testing not what you going to have in the game but yeah, spike tracking is suck

I mean… if they are useless under the perfect conditions of the test drive, are they really going to be any better in actual gameplay? xD

yes. i will put the replay for you

it is not that perfect believe me



those is my replay and it is what i think close to what the game will be.

Interesting! But… this didn’t sell Spikes to me entirely, hahah.

Only 2 kills from 8 launches; a Leopard 2A4 and a TURMS.

I mean, I guess that means there’s… 25% chance that you may get a kill, hahah. Which is not really great.

Besides, my intention was to use Namer on the 11.7 lineup, so I won’t be coming across Leopard 2A4s or TURMSs, so I think I’ll pass.

I am still going to grind it, just in case Spikes or/and its armor are improved at some point, but… I am in no rush for now, hahah.

well it is because i play in a bad way. i just see someone got a nuke by playing only namer

Well, I’ve seen people get nukes with Ariete, that’s not indicative of much hahah

Also, how did you play it in a bad way? You locked on the enemies, fired… and the Spikes just refused to do much, not your fault! xD

how is that not do much? that leo i shot it in a bad angle so it just go straight to the side terret while he move the terret.

maybe u need to try it to get how it fell.

“heaviest” ifv so heavy that you can get killed with a 50 cal, such amazing ifv

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yeah XD what a BS

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When I was still an Arcade main, I remember I was having so much issues trying to pen the PUMA with the 130mm APHE from Object 279, maybe if they modelled everything correctly then it is close to having that kind of protection? Or just temporary use arcade damage model until they find the time to modelled all the composite screens inside the vehicles lol