Where can i request a BR change, or at least a BR review?

This post is for both the Su-17M4 and Su-22M4.

I’ve been flying the Su-22M4 a lot and by far its one of my favourite aircraft.
There’s just something that attracts me to play it as my main frontline CAS aircraft.
I’d play it in SIM too but the SAS mode is a bit wrong as it keeps pitching up or down.
As for RB, well it suffers the Tornado syndrome, too slow to reach the bases while also not much of a fighter to make a good buck in RP or SL.

I just wanna ask how i can get it up for a BR review.
Primarily a CAS aircraft, its top AGM are two KH-29T TV missiles with 13km of flight range and around 10 km of lock range (on a very good day).
It has a BR of 11.0 in Ground RB.

In comparison, the F-4F is primarily a fighter aircraft with its top AGM being two AGM-65B TV missiles with ~23km of flight range and around 15km of lock range on a very good day.
It has a BR of 10.3 in Ground RB.

Now granted, the Su-22 can carry up to 6 R-60MK all aspect AA missiles while the F-4F can only carry 4 Aim-9J rear aspect AA missiles.

If the reasoning for the BR of the Su-22 in GRB is due to these missiles, then i still dont understand as aircraft with Aim-120s can face 11.3 aircraft in GRB.

The Su-22 is a heavy aircraft and not nearly as manoeuvrable as an F-16 or even an F-4F.
And it exists at a BR where you cannot put it in any lineups without ruining the max BR or pushing it way past its capability (it can face Pantsirs).

hence i would request that it be down tiered to 10.3 alongside the F-4F or 10.7 with reducing the R-60 carrying capacity as irl most Su-17/22 aircraft could not carry the dual rail R-60s without modifications to the weapons computer and wiring, not to mention the dual rail loadout is not listed in the Su-17M4 manual.

There will be a BR change post at some point. Should have been one sometime August, most reckon maybe 1 in October now. You’ll need to wait for that

Will look like this


yeah i hope so, but thats what i told myself last time 😭
and still no BR change for my Fitter.
and we dont even get the KH-29TE (which we can carry) nor is our TV screen fixed

Yeah, I have a few on my list. like the FRS1, that need changing

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I would submit a bug report for that. I did one for the Torando and it actually got fixed. WAY better now:


As for ARB, maybe external CM pods to give it more suvivability? Maybe drop it down to 11.0 in ARB, but thats pushing it a bit with its missile count.


ARB is kinda fine…
I don’t really care about that.
GRB though