I just don’t understand Gaijin in their position regarding Aermacchi. There is a ton of photos of MB-326 and 339 variants on the internet, sources (like AFMs) are easily accessible; jets were also produced for export irl, so one of the most attractable reason to start modelling for Gaijin exists ‐ they can use base 3D model to introduce variants of 326 and 339 to other nations, apart from Italy, for example South African Impala (mk.I and II), Argentinian and Brazilian 326s; Argentinian, Malaysian and New Zealand 339s; without even talking that these 2 base models can provide half of the attackers line for Italy itself (from MB-326B/E, MB-339A to MB-326G/K and then to MB-339K and CD).
Stuff like G.82 and S.211 can be less attractable to Gaijin, since they won’t make that much profit, so I can understand why it can take longer for them to come, but why Aermacchi are delayed, it’s beyond me.
And ofc as you said earlier we are also still waiting for Caproni aircrafts wich was the first plane producer of Italy (1910)
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It truly boggles the mind.
I still think Italy has enough traction to justify the G.80. It will be two models only differing by engine and potentially armament.
The S.211 is less of a need, but is also a two for one as the M-345 is just a more advanced version. Still, it would be like the SK.60 modern for the BR. Not as justifiable as the G.80. I’d like to see a G.82 TT and G.80 premium.
Another patch. Still none of these needed jets. Sigh
No advanced trainers and no squadron vehicles(
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